JoinedTopics Started by Lost-In-Translation
TMJ Experience
by Band on the Run ini had a horrid bout about thirty years ago.
the spasms were triggered by jawbone pain.
it took years and untold funds to get meaningful treatment.
Are You Invisible -- to Yourself? Do I Have To Give Up ME to be Loved by God?
by Lost-In-Translation ini truly believe many jws suffer from what is described below.
the gb is constantly emphasizing "serving others" and "never rocking the boat" or "take the discipline even if it was not your fault" or "be a peacemaker no matter what even if your feelings are trampled on.
when i was a jw i never let anyone -especially any congregation elder- to walk over me - never.
Overlapping generation segment on the new Circuit Assembly program
by traveb inso there i was at the circuit assembly sunday morning with my eyes glazed over as usual when all of a sudden, bam!
a demo with two brothers talking about the new overlapping generation teaching.
the reason it took me by surprise was because it occured during the second talk of the sunday morning symposium, "sanctify god's name by your speech".
Interesting discussion about Bethel
by DagothUr init's from the jwtalk.net (the jdub forum).
the name of the topic is "bethel volunteers?":.
dub1: it was announced at our meeting last night volunteers for bethel in nyc.
magazine supply reduction
by agent zero inat the meeting tonight was read a letter to all congregations in canada.
it explained that since most publishers end up with left-over public edition magazines that didn't get placed at the end of each month, they will now no longer continue to have an individual magazine order per publisher.
instead, the entire congregation's supply of service edition magazines will be in a stack at the back of the kh, and they are to be taken according to need, with whatever is left over after service to be put back in the stack.
Charity Brand Index 2010 - Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society scored lower
by Lost-In-Translation inafter reading the below article i kept asking, "what watchtower bible and tract society charity could they be talking about?
" does anyone know of a specific legally established charity that is in the name of the wbts?.
Any E reader people here?
by highdose ini'm thinking of getting an e reader but have never used this medium before.
does anyone have any recomends?.
also is there any p2p file sharing sites for e reader files?.
No More Bookbags in Service?
by White Dove inevery time i see jw's in service, they are not carrying bookbags but rather plastic holders and small fold over purses to hold them.. what ever happened to the big ol' bookbag in service?.
An Amish man has been charged with sexual assaults
by Lost-In-Translation inhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/03/us/03amish.html?hp.
an amish man has been charged with sexual assaults, dividing a congregation that prefers to handle disputes internally.. i have no idea why religious leaders believe that they have the authority to handle sexual assaults internally.
when a crime is committed they should contact the proper authorities..