I agree with those who have said it is not what you know, it's who you know. The daughter of An elder in our congregation was smoking pot and nothing was ever done about it. However, my husband got disfellowshipped for showing the elders his personal letter from the United Nations proving the Watchtower org. was involved for over ten years. He also showed them several articles in the Watchtower telling Witnesses to Hate those who left. And, he showed them proof that the Org. paid out millions in lawsuits to innocent victims of pedophilia.They said he was 90 percent correct but, disfellowshipped him anyway. To hear this "Kangaroo court trial" go to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com click on the "fly on the wall tape" and you can hear the entire conversation.
the research lady
JoinedPosts by the research lady
by lostjdub93 ini know of a case where a ms is living net door to his mother and father.
his dad is a elder and mom is a long time pioneer.
he no longer attends meetings and has many "wild" parties and also has a live in girlfriend.
New convention releases?
by TheOldHippie inany new books or brochures or tracts or whatever at this year's conventions?.
the research lady
A full color brochure listing the 10 ways to make the "mass exodus" a reality as listed on the Six Screens of the Watchtower website. Check it out at www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Go to the site map and check it out.
Memorial demonstration video
by isaacaustin inhi research lady....are you going to have the vdeo posted soon?.
the research lady
The video of this year's Memorial demonstration is being put together now. It should be up and running sometime next week.Thanks for asking.
Latest Updates On Chitty And Greenlees-Two Governing Body Brothers,
by Scott77 inhi buddies,.
please, can you or anyone around this site updates us on the two governing body brothers, chitty and greenlees?
can we learn any lesson from these two men as to the way the wts deals with some people in general?
the research lady
Mark Palo, the man in the video below, claims he was raped as a young boy by Leo Greenleees while visiting Bethel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPzGHRbw7Es&feature=channel_page For more details of this story visit www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com When on home page scroll down to the conference call and click on Feb.14
4/26/09 Parade Magazine question about Serena Williams/JW's
by frozen one inq: how does tennis star serena williams justify wearing such sexy clothes when she's a jehovah's witness?
- ron ryden, riverview, fla.. a: the winner of 10 grand slam singles titles dresses conservatively when attending kingdom hall services, but there's no religious dress code preventing her from wearing revealing clothes on or off the court.. .
i wonder who wrote the answer to that question because that is not how i remember the jw "dress code.
the research lady
A call to the Watchtower concerning the Williams sisters. Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPL2C8F8PaQ&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdNVrVAuyBE&feature=channel
I Want to Learn How to Type
by compound complex inthe quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog .... i typed most of the above without looking.
well ... sort of..... any suggestions on self-taught typing?.
the research lady
I learned how to type in high school back in, I hate to say 1964, and will always be thankful for my teacher Margaret Kuhn, who also taught me shorthand which came in handy with one of my first jobs as a secretary in an office where I was the only one who could take shorthand. The best advice has already been given--practice,practice,practice. You can do it!
Verified Example of Over 80 JWs Defecting
by compound complex inboth jim and marilyn [penton] were becoming increasingly unhappy with the leadership of jehovah's witnesses during the late 1970s, however.
neither believed the watch tower society's assertion that the present world would probably end in 1975, and both were taken aback by the fact that for years the society refused to admit any fault in the matter.
both also became distressed over the watch tower's methods of cajoling ordinary witnesses into going preaching from door to door, the society's lack of love and concern for ordinary persons, and the mistreatment of their older son, david, for attending university.
the research lady
James Penton was a guest on our conference call. To hear his story go to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com scroll down to the telephone and click it. Then you will see several calls we have had and you can listen to Jim's story.
What must I do to be saved?
by thomas15 inhow would a jw knocking at my door answer this question that i might ask them "you seem to know all about the bible, so tell me please, what must i do to be saved"?.
paul answered this question acts 16:31 "believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved..." but how would the witnesses answer this question assuming that they didn't have any idea that the householder knew the biblical answer or if they did suspect that the householder had some bible knowledge?.
the research lady
From the November 1,1990 Watchtower page 26 par. 16 comes this "As Christians we face up to similar challenges today. We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry--be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization". Now in the same year the Kingdom Ministry November issue on the first page under the heading "Directing Bible Students to Jehovah's Organization par. 1 states "Bible students need to get acquainted with the organization--they must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation". which information do we believe?
"And I have other sheep not of this fold..." PRESENT TENSE!!...i have questions
by oompa indid wt really believe that everyone prior to jesus death is resting and awaiting only a earthly hope?
and then when jesus died, everyone following him only had a heavenly hope until 1934-35....and then nearly all only had an earthly hope again?
of course recently they did open up heaven again, so now there are both "callings" taking place, both heaven and earth on sale at the same time......sooooo.
the research lady
The other sheep spoken of in John 10:16 are in fact the Gentiles. In Luke 12:32 it is written "Have no fear, little flock,because Your Father has approved of giving You the Kingdom". The Watchtower has always used this scripture to try to prove that the number of those with a heavenly hope would be limited to 144,000, a "little"flock. However, this use of the term "little" does not mean in number. It is an endearing term used in the same way that John wrote in 1 John 2:1 when he said "little"children...The Bible does not hold out two hopes. No place will you find the term "paradise earth" in the Bible. But, you can read this statement made by Jesus in Matthew 23:12 "Woe to You, scribes an Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men:for You yourselves do not go in, neither do You permit those on their way in to go in".NWT
WT argument about knowing God's name is a fallacy!
by JimmyPage inall of us who grew up jw have heard this argument a million times: to have a close relationship with someone you must first know them by name.. but how would you feel if your kids called you by your first name?
instead of showing a closeness, it would be looked at as a sign of disrespect.
their calling you "father" would be the real indication of their special relationship with you.. so it is with god and so it was with those who considered the divine name too sacred to pronounce..
the research lady
John 17:11-12 "Also, I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are ". "When I was with them I used to watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me:and I have kept them, and not one of them is destroyed except the son of destruction in order that the scripture might befulfilled". NWT