JoinedTopics Started by CandleSurgeon
Eric Reeder's Memorial?
by NeverKnew ini've seen the insulting obituary and like all of you, i'm blown away.. i've also seen several threads of individuals crying out for an opportunity to meet with others on this board.
maybe it's time to recognize the need for an assembly (if you will) to foster a familial relationship for those on this board!.
what if a memorial were planned, in eric's honor of course, for a weekend next september in north carolina?
Just Heard Some Shocking News
by jookbeard ina predatory jw paedophile micheal porter (uk) who has a 15 year record of abuse including the rape of his own baby but somehow evaded jail now is a member of my old congregation;wimbledon.
words fail me, to think of the years of shunning that these idiots have heaped upon me even by my own family and this piece of shit was seen a this years memorial laughing and joking with the congregation.
strange that this news story slipped passed me when it was broadcast by the british media in 2007..
Still Feeling Lost...What to Do Next?
by daringhart13 ini'm wondering how many of you still feeling a burning need to know god and have a relationship with him.. i am dealing with the horrible emotions of having faded, done some things that would be considered immoral, stopped praying (not sure i ever prayed right) and generally just feeling lost...... what have some of you done to get back on track?
i've been fading for a year and a half.
missing my first dc..... ugh.....having a crappy morning i guess...... just feel like i want to talk to god, but can't.. ironic, huh?
10-yr old boy baptized
by Gayle in.
a 10-year boy is baptised at the jehovah's witness assembly hall.
Calling all ex and exiting jws in NE Ohio
by jamiebowers inphin will be at my house from sunday, 07/11 til tuesday, 07/13.
if you would like to be interviewed for the documentary, please pm me for details..
Looking for scans of
by jamiebowers inthe picture of a train falling off a cliff at 1975.... and.
isn't there a photo of russell's tombstone in one of the early publications?
if so, what book was it, and does anyone have scan of it?.
I love my job... I get to go to really kool places. Anyone else love their job?
by coffee_black ini saw the thread about being tired of one's job...and it got me thinking.
while there are things about my job that i'm not particularly fond of (like the paperwork) i have to say i really have nothing to complain about... here are a few reasons why...some of the fun stuff.... as part of my job i attend csi meetings (construction specifications institute) we have monthly dinner meetings, usually at maggiano's in boston.
last month we had a special event and toured the new shalin liu center for chamber music in rockport, ma it was designed by one of the firms i call on.... sits on the water...fabulous site.
2nd video on 1919 Watchtower's Wacky Chronology
by Awakened at Gilead in
i had some time to put this together... let me know what you think... .
Did you really pay attention at conventions or assemblies?
by donny ina co-worker of mine whose family (2 daughters, wife) are jw's related a funny story yesterday.
his wife and daughters missed the friday portion of the convention last week in order to attend a wedding of a worldly relative.
at dinner she mentioned to him that she would go to the convention this friday to make up for the one she missed.. he then asked why and she said so she could get the information she missed.