Many times they wont take a no in however way it is presented to them, they think they have the right to come and go as "they" wish. Ignore them and if they show up unannounced, tell them you are too busy, and that you have told them in the past to call before coming over to see if it is a good time, and that if you need encouragement from them you will be sure and call them post haste. Probably won't do any good, and maybe you will need a desist order against them to keep them away, believe me that will get their attention.
I found that my 1st wife's passing away was all that I needed to keep them away, I only had one real conversation with an elder afterwards and that was at a Mickey D's. We had coffee and a mostly congenial conversation. He wanted to know why I wasn't coming to the meetings, and I told him why, their complete lack of real love, the abandonment of my family after wife passed away. Another thing I brought up is that i don't know if we have any neverdowells in the congregation such as peds. I then asked him quite frankly how it was that he thought holy spirit could have a ped appointed as an elder and cited the example of a ped from our last congreagation in another state. He stated that the holy spirit did appoint him just as it appointed all elders. So then told him "well you want to know why I won't come back, well thats one of the major reasons is your delusion about holy spirit appointing you and others, and to say that holy spirit appoints peds is living in la la land. We ended our conversation right then and there I just got up walked out and told him have a good life with your self deslusion. Oh I also re-mentioned (word?) that they showed no real love after our family tragedy, and that their love is very conditional and not real love at all.