JoinedTopics Started by Atomahawk
God's Word for us through Jeremia: Sound advice for working husbands?
by bats in the belfry inthe gb for sure likes telling husbands what they expect of them to do.. .
what is the sound and balanced(?
) advice coming from them?
Atheism or Agnosticism, which one is correct?
by Joey Jo-Jo inthis has been bugging me for a while, and while i dont want to turn this into something about semantics i think that we should quickly define what an agnostic and atheists are.. richard dawkins defines 7 different types of atheist ranging from weak to militant atheists, but along these definitions there appears one definition with a strong resemblance to agnosticism.. to me an agnostic is a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in deity/deities, but there are those who define agnostics as a ignorant who simply just don't care or don't have the intelligence to come to sound conclusion.. an atheist can be a person who disbelieves in a deity/deities based on the current mathematical and scientific understandings of the universe, as well as understandings that can refute certain religions such as the strong influence of protestantism christianity in america.. .
from here i will refer deity as anything ranging jehovah to a real spaghetti monster, it's not important because a) we dont know b)for the purpose of this discussion it is not important to define what we believe god to be.. an argument that can be used about a deity is -we cannot prove nor disprove that god exists- this is referred to as a null hypothesis, an assumption that we cannot create a hypothesis to prove or disprove this deity.
this to me is agnosticism and is more correct than the idea of atheism.
What are you having for dinner tonite?
by Newborn inand do you normally eat more "nice" festive dinner on friday evenings?.
tonight i'm having tacos.
have a great weekend everybody and enjoy your mornings without any early meetings for field service.
wife took it pretty well i's over...
by oompa ini guess it only took three years, but they were hell in so many ways for both of us...she was not happy and lived in denial as much as possible...i was not happy and lived in a bottle as much as possible and glad that is over for me....but it was one of the saddest things i have ever experienced in my was the visit to my parents before i told her....but yes...she said she kind of expected it...was thinking something was going to happen soon as she noticed i had more and more trouble saying i love you back to her when she said it on the phone at the end of goodbyes...and when i was leaving the house...i had noticed it for over a year and it was killing me..... i told her how sorry i was for changing so much again....and that she still walks on water...and is a great person and so pretty....and that she will be ok because she was happy single before me for many years and had all she needs for that again...her closeness to jehovah and her freinds in the congregation...she is very close to both and will be ok i was very surreal....very calm...very sad.
my bitterness and disdain for wt rules came through when talking to my parents and i was very open about how i feel as to their upcoming shunning of me, and how it feels to my son since he was just 17....and how the fear of losing them had kept me trying in my marriage for the past few was firm in his position of future said they will still always love me...and will still talk to me until i get dfd.....oh how this said there is a name for people who only live for themselves and deny god but could not think of what it was....i told him i was not living just for myself...that i am a good person and there are values from him and the bible i hope i always have....i cry so hard as i type this and tell you just so you can know how painful this is....i told him i so loved the rule of treating others how you want to be treated and have always done that...even allowing myself to be wronged on so many occasions to keep peace....... he said that was a good rule....i agreed and said it was a big one too....and that while i could do it...treat him the way i would like to be treated...he would not be able to!.......left as i became emotional...big hug from mom, but i just barely put an arm on dad............oompa.
Were you always honest with your reports?
by Newborn ini was.... the last years i only did 4-5 hours max/month and they offered me pioneer support...huh...which i refused btw.. now i regret i didn't just put 20-30 hours every month without in fact going out in the booring service at all!!!
just to keep them happy.. .
Brilliant Talk Yesterday
by Violet injust thought i would share this.........a brother who used to be a mercenary before he came into the truth gave the talk at the hall yesterday and he said that the bible was like jehovah's told us everything about we can really know him.. he also said with all the governments and all the rules and regulations in the world, and nothing working at the moment, we should appreciate that jehovah only has 2 him above all other things, and love our neighbours..........if only the whole world obeyed those 2 laws there would be peace without the need for its all down to humans why things are going wrong.. if we abandoned the planet tomorrow the earth would repair itself and there would be peace and harmony in nature.......... man has really messed up.. thank goodness we have had the chance to know jehivah and have a hope for the future!!.
Jehovah's Witnesses---A Cult or Not?
by minimus inwhen i first got on this site, i would bristle at the thought that i ever belonged to a cult.. do you believe that witnesses are truly "cultists"?.
I went to the meeting today
by doublelife inso my husband dragged me to the meeting this morning.
i brought my new bible that i bought instead of the nwt and he didn't say anything about it.
in the public talk, the speaker opened to matt.
WHY am I the last to know?
by babygirl30 inabout 2 mos parents decided that because i refused to continue my 'reinstatement' process and quit going to meetings - that they were now going to shun me after having regular contact for 10 mos!
i was upset, but accepted it.
although their method was harsh!
Impromptu Survey - 2 Types of Reasons to Leave
by AdaMakawee ini was thinking, not counting those who are df'd for "conduct," it seems to me that there are two type of exjws that leave.
by this i mean the ones that woke up and came to their senses while still inside.
1. those who found doctrinal errors and couldn't stay with the lies.. 2. those who found that there was no love and left because of the betrayal of emotions, and realization that by this fruit you knew they were not the ones, their lack of love.