I think its probably too soon, but if anyone knows how many partakers of the emblems this year?
i think its probably too soon, but if anyone knows how many partakers of the emblems this year?.
I think its probably too soon, but if anyone knows how many partakers of the emblems this year?
my doorbell rang about 30mins ago, standing out side was a 30 somthing man and a very very young boy.
the young boy mumbled and stuttered and limply waved about a awake magazine at me.
i told him i wasn't interested because his religon had a bigger child abuse problem than the cathloic church, the difference is jw's cover it up better.
highdose, I'm so glad you said something, I think if we all say something to them and get into a discussion with them we are more equiped than before. I've spent countless hours from door to door and I think I know more about the jws now than I did with 40 years in it.
Good on you for speaking up.
i was talking with a friend of mine on the board yesterday and the discussion gave me the idea for this thread !
( thanks friend !
) and it seems as we were talking the thought came up that many of us when exiting the mind control of jehovah's witnesses we really come to appreciate the freedom to think how we want and be able to have access to other views which helps us to have a broader scope , or broader world view than just the tunnel vision of the wt society.
Its good to have the freedom and I feel like crap today. Can't believe how much control they have over people(my family). Sometimes it gets too much.
this afternoon my wife received aphone call from an old elder friend, she was quite surprised.. we da'd ourselves a little over a year ago.. he basically invited us to the memorial on tuesday night, and he went into some story about how many people in the hall.
are inactive/da'd/ df'd.
and he launched into some info.
I'd like to know if there is this new program. I haven't gone to a meeting in 4 years and now has contacted me, and my wife just got re-instated 5 months ago (to talk to her kids) and hasn't been to a meeting since and no-one has contacted her. And my best friend was dfs 3 years ago and no-one again has contacted him. So much for "leaving 99 sheep to search for that lost one, and then rejoicing over finding it".
i was talking with a friend of mine on the board yesterday and the discussion gave me the idea for this thread !
( thanks friend !
) and it seems as we were talking the thought came up that many of us when exiting the mind control of jehovah's witnesses we really come to appreciate the freedom to think how we want and be able to have access to other views which helps us to have a broader scope , or broader world view than just the tunnel vision of the wt society.
Great thread as always flipper. I think (its probably been said) its the freedom to be myself and express myself without the fear of being judged and realizing that there are people out there that are real christian's (as Jesus said), by doing good to others. I only want to have friends that are like me and do not hold out conditions for being loved. I have un-conditional love for my children, I might not agree with everything they do, but I will love them just the same. I'm sure thats what our heavenly father would be like, as we are made in his image. I'm rambling on, SORRY., I've had a bad day.
i'm pleased to have found this site...i've browsed a little ...read quite a lot and gasped at some stories, giggled at the one liners and nodded in recognition of others' strong opinions and can relate to a great deal.. i'll try and keep my intro as brief as possible for anyone kind enough to listen.. i got involved with the witnesses in the late 70's in the uk.
i was in my early 20s and had had a love and fascination for the bible since my difficult childhood.
i soon brought my life into 'line' although it took a long time for me to pack up the smoking which didnt go down well in those days when 6 months of study should have been enough and if you hadnt cracked it then it was suggested that you were some kind of loser.... i reared my 4 children in the 'truth' as well as i could but i cant claim that we were a 'strong' family in their terms...just muddled along really..my husband at the time was a very difficult and abusive man and home life wasnt easy for any of us with his anger, jealousy and violence.
Welcome loz, hope you are ok. Its like that feeling "brokenhearted" when they treat you like dirt, but don't despair, because you can and probably are still a spritual person. I never thought I would read Ray Franz's "apostate" books, ut I did and they have more about the bible in his 2 books than in alot of Watchtower and Awake mags I've read. I hope you can get a copy of each of his books, they will help, and open your eyes on things you already knew.
i've emailed this to several people now so figured i might as well post it and share with all.
the following information has been compiled from various sources on the web, including jwfacts.com and free minds.
a fraction of it is from my own mind.
bluecanary, thank you for your input, I've just re-read this and I've marked it for later use. Great thread.
i was in for 30 years.....my ex was an elder...."holy spirit appointed" he tortured me....i was married 33+ years....you know,,,marriage is sacred...you can leave,,,i know,,,,if abuse is intolerable....but that starts a series of events...etc etc etc....i finally left everything...and moved far away.....people actually believe "holy spirit" appoints people,,,my ex would not pray unless there was an audience...you know,,,,people invited over for supper kind of thing,,,you get the point..... my best friend had a mental breakdown,,,,she basically became psychotic.....had to be hospitalized....she took up smoking,,,got disfellowshipped...and lost all emotional support....to this day,,,,as far as i know,,,she is still disfellowshipped...needs to be hospitialized every so often....she is on complete disability.....and still trying to get back into the org....her mother does support some what,,,,even though she is a witness herself,,,,,takes her to assemblies,,,,memorial,,,etc,,,,this has gone on for years.....she cannot mentally handle the organization,,,nor can she mentally handle not being a witness...lost everything....guilt....etc..... did not mean to ramble on so much......i have mental scars that will not go away....because i stayed in a "mess" for god,,,,i could write page after page of things like the above....as being my "last straw".......curious about you here on the board....any specific "breaking point" or a collection of many things..... thanks for your in put...peaches.
I am like emma and straightshooter. I was born into IT and my daughter got dfs a few years ago and I couldn't believe the hypocrisy (she is back in). I've read crisis of the conscience and it has made alot of difference to me, wonderful book.
here is a quick version of my life in the org.
i was born and raised in it.
my father was physically and mentally abusive to my siblings and i. he was inactive from the meetings and service for much of my life.
Hi its_me. Your story is similar to some extent as my wife now. We have been married a year and she was dfs and got re-instated, but no-one talks to her. She has decided not to go back anymore(she mainly got re-instated so her kids and mine don't shun her). I will not go back, read crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom. Ray Franz is just like us and the way he writes you can relate to it. And by the way no-one should ever hit a woman, NO-ONE. I really hope you are ok and hope evrything works out for you.
mine was filled with shock and anger but mostly anger.
it made me feel that way because i have never been lied to like that growing up in the religion with it being all you know.
I felt so sad and then so let down and still feel pretty shocked. Being born in never did research, and even my poor Dad was dfs for smoking all his life, I didn't shun him, but things weren't the same until he died. I'm so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!