JoinedTopics Started by Heartbreaker
Speaking of dreaming of the KH
by Heartbreaker injust last night i had a weird one.
first, it was as if i was in school, i wanted to feel like i belonged in the classroom, but i couldn't follow the conversation, and it just didn't seem right.
it was elementary school for petes sake, it just was blurry and weird.
by Heartbreaker ini don't pretend to understand what motivates my husband when it comes to his family.
he's completely fine ignoring, even hating mine, but his he's wishy washy.
(they have completely shunned me, but still try to be kind to him and our children, blaming me for tearing their poor family member away from jah).
Severe abdominal pain
by Heartbreaker inhow come pain the middle of the night is always more scary than during the daytime?
i was woke up from a hydrocodone sleep, with pain in my very upper abdomen and middle back.
it feels like i'm just pumped full of gas and tightness and pain.
Someone posted a video
by Heartbreaker init was a few days ago, i think from youtube.
in this video it shows slides or pictures of people suffering terribly, with the voice of a higher up, possibly governing body member outlining how all jws would just be gleeful at the destruction and death.
can someone link me to it, i'd like to show my husband this evening.
I need to lose 20 pounds
by Heartbreaker ini hate to exercise, therefore i haven't really ever done it, and stuck with it.
i've had 6 children, and am quite sedentary.
i get really bad migraines when my blood pressure rises, hence hating excercise.. .
What type of sauce or toppings do you like on your steak?
by Heartbreaker ingetting into the spirit of things around here.....
In the Paradise
by Heartbreaker ini want one of these for my very own!.
Totally open for suggestions
by Heartbreaker ini need a new focus.
having a lot of kids, it's easy to be wrapped up in taking care of them, and letting them be your center, but they are all gettting to that age of having their own thing.
my husband and i are good about taking time out to do things as a couple, and i've tried to get a new job off the ground.. i just still feel empty, and find myself getting sad about things that i should let me get sad.
by Heartbreaker inmy husband just got his job back, after a year.
fully reinstated <snort> at his old level of pay and everything.
he goes to pick up his company truck today, and starts tomorrow!
Having problems
by Heartbreaker innormally when i come to this site, the pages are listed across the top, active topics most recent first, all the way back.
all of those pages are gone.
i can only see the most recent page, it's not numbered, and i can only view the first page, or first 15 or so replies.