I post the following in all sincerety.
I have sincerely tried to search for God for 50 years. I have "groped for him to really find him". I have done so from an intellectual search, and from simplicity. I have prayed to Jehovah, prayed to Jesus, asked him to take over my life, to be used in any way he chooses. I have asked from the dark, dreary, basement of emotional lows when I begged to not have to wake up and face the following day. GOD DOES NOT TALK TO ME. HE DOESN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS. (emphasis not yelling)
You "have more direct contact with the Holy Spirit"? It is not my place to doubt you, I respect you. But I don't get it if you are right.
Either I have a horrible heart and God "saves whomever he chooses"-Romans
Or, God is partial, in spite of Peter's claim otherwise as he began to convert Gentiles.
I'm glad that you have a confident spiritual place to be. God loves the "smart" ones and the simple right? But, as in the caves discussed, even though science admits an error factor in their calculations. They are quick to point out errors and dispute them and admit a range of dates. As for me, I see much less honesty when discussing issues with religuos people. And ultimately, the throw in the "well God tells me" line. It doesn't help the discussion advance. It's the same as the blindfolded GB sitting around on Wednesday morning throwing darts at a doctrinal dartboard.
Again, this is just me. I do respect your views and thanks for the comments. You sound like a great friend.