JoinedTopics Started by stillin9
True Faith Jehovah's Witnesses
by RR insome of you may be aware of the jw offshoot in the 1940s after the judge died, they call themselves true faith jehovah's witnesses and are essentially jw's in every way, shape and form, wiwth some minor differences.
found this on you tube, from one of their conventions:.
Question for elder/ex-elders
by TweetieBird inwhy do elders, in judicial committee meetings when dealing with immorality, have to ask so many personal questions, i.e.
how many times, was oral sex involved, anal sex, how many times, etc.
is it really necessary or are the elders just getting off asking about someone else's sex life?
They Don't Pass a Collection Plate Because.....
by OnTheWayOut just isn't big enough!.
JWs: Dress Like a Nerd. You'll arouse "curiosity" per Oct, 2009 KM
by Open mind inon this week's service meeting there's a q&a for an article about informal witnessing (tm).
the second paragraph recommends dressing modestly at all times so you're ready to witness at a moment's notice.
it even says that your neat & clean appearance may arouse "curiosity".. .
The Silentlambs Exposed Blog Is Closing
by Bangalore inthe silentlambs exposed blog is closing.. .
what else could they get away with?
by highdose inhaving explained/pointed out the doctrinal flip flops to some jw's i know i was astonished to find that they just brushed it all aside, on one occasion they seemed to just tune me out and quit listening.
the gb really do have them whipped, it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!
and in the meantime how much can the gb get away with because of the blind faith of their followers?
How much apostate is in each JW ?
by inbetween inrecently i talked to some jw, even so called strong ones in the truth:.
i noticed, they do not believe everything from the wts, for example:.
one older sister, a close relative of mine, she has been pioneering for years, babtizes over 40 years ago, mentioned, that sometimes she wonders about certain teaching, but she can not say anything, because somebody would say, she speaks against jehovah himself..further she said, she remmebers 1975, and that the society tried to blame the brothers, but was clearly responsible itself... i was quit shocked to hear that from her, and i added some careful comments in the same direction.... other brothers do not agree with certain teachings, like resurrected ones will not marry, or animals will not eat each other etc.... maybe those are "minor" issues, but if you doubt one teaching of gods channel, doesnt that mean, you doubt the whole thing ?.
A little intro
by stillin9 inwell finallyyy i was able to create an account here after trying several times and being unsuccessful.
thanks to the mods for helping me out.
i have been hanging around this site for several months now.
Pray then, this way......
by AK - Jeff inat least i have/do at times.. dear god.
why is knowing you so confusing?
why are you dependent on my 'faith'?