Oh my God, Spacegirl!!! At the memorial... I would often be in such a catatonic (sp?) state that I would wonder if I accidentally drank the wine or not!!!! Can't believe you brought that up! As for the last entry before mine... re: changing the words to a song... we had a great group of young folks and we'd all sit in the same row and do it in harmony!!! HAHHAHAHAH!
Posts by JBean
Inappropriate behaviour
by Missie Eff inhas anybody ever had any urges to act strangely at the kingdom hall?.
i remember having two very strong urges:.
the first was to stand up while everybody else was quietly listening to the meeting and throw my bible across the hall in a fit of frustration with the intention of hitting someone and waking up.
Having Children Inside vs Outside The Organizatio
by Ranchette ini feel cheated because i wouldnt know what its like to experience pregnancy and the birth of my children the way it was meant to be.. a completely natural and joyous event in human life was sabotaged by this religion!.
im sure there are others who know what i mean.. i would be interested to hear stories of others who have had children both inside and out of this organization.. i would like to explain what i mean.. i was raised as a witness and was always expected to be an example.
from as far back as i can remember we were taught that armageddon was just around the corner.
Ranchette... so sorry to hear that you had that experience. How many years ago was that, may I ask? It seems to be much different now... maybe it's just in my area... but these young witness couples (young as in 18, 19, 20 years old!!!) are just poppin' out those kids at a crazy rate! No one seems to think it's odd or wrong... I haven't had any children yet, but would like to some day (however.... I'm running out of time! I just turned 40!) : )
Let's have some honest answers
by chappy inok all you ex's, be honest.
do you ever have that little voice pop in your head and say "what if - just what if they're right?".
it happens to me on occasion and i've been totally out for years.
I'm not afraid of "what if they're right"... I'm more afraid of "what if they're wrong". Years wasted... : (
Christian Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses
by nowaytess ini have a club on yahoo for jehovah's witness who still love jehovah and jesus.
it is a christian based club on the link below.. <a href= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </a>
Welcome NWTess! I've been to your site and it is definitely encouraging. Looking forward to seeing you around this board!
bunch of inactives at old-timers party
by wheelwithinwheel inlast week-end there was a going away party for an old-timer.
i didnt attend but a brother related this interesting anecdote to me.. apparently a newer person who is progressing well in the truth noticed how many strangers were present at the gathering and asked what congregations they were all from.
he was surprised to learn that they all were all local brothers and sisters but werent attending meetings anymore.
I hope they'll wake up! It seems that it doesn't matter where you live, what geography... there are WAY too many elderly witnesses still working as housecleaners, lawn maintenance people, etc. for lack of a college education or for not sticking with a solid job. Very, very sad. These folks should be enjoying a bit of retirement, travelling or something enjoyable instead of killing themselves.
Must See Post!
by mommy inevery now and again there is a post that just pulls the rug out from underneath me, and touches a place in my heart.
lauralisa on another thread has accomplished this.
by others who have replied, i can see that they were touched as well.
Thanks so much for this post. Laura... much love and continued happiness to you! I cannot wait until I, too, can KNOW my decisions are correct and find the measure of peace you have found.
Reasons to Quit
by Frenchy in-some of you might recognize that caption as the title to one of merle and willie's biggest hits but this is not about drugs and alcohol but about something many of us here hold in common.. i have read many reasons stated here for those who have left the organization either formally (through df'ing or da'ing) and those that are still technically in but mentally out.
some (quite a few as i expected) have left to pursue lifestyles inconsistent with teachings which they evidently once held dear (they were questioned about those beliefs prior to baptism) but have now abandoned.
that reasoning is absurd but it makes good sense to the rank and file.
Frenchy... I agree. Your last sentence: "I do so wish that it had been real"... brought a lump to my throat. Jbean
Crisis of Conscience: POLL
by Grout inwell, i'm finally reading coc, and i must tell you that despite already being an ex-dub i was *shocked*.
the thing that got me was the gb's apparently unselfconsciously acting above all the rules that they would apply so harshly to everyone else.
maybe i'm naive, but i didn't expect that level of hypocrisy.. so what did you find most shocking in coc?
NYTel: I still have not had the guts to read it... but... If it's NOT true, then the society should have us study THAT book so it may help us understand what IS the truth... and help us refute whatever is false in it. Instead, they ban us from reading it. Oh... let's do the Grand Climax book again!!! Doesn't this make you wonder?
Categories and Labels
by Vitameatavegamin inhave you ever felt as a jw that you had a label on your forehead?
there may be a good reason for that feeling.
i don't know why, but i was thinking about this today and wondering if the elders and others in the cong.
Ooops! Sorry : )
Categories and Labels
by Vitameatavegamin inhave you ever felt as a jw that you had a label on your forehead?
there may be a good reason for that feeling.
i don't know why, but i was thinking about this today and wondering if the elders and others in the cong.
I believe you left out: Pioneer, Auxilliary Pioneer, Circuit Overseer, District Overseer, Missionary, Gilead Graduate... on and on...