Orthodox and Reformed! hee! Sweet! (I just had to giggle even though this is a serious issue.) I am thankful that my parents let me and my siblings do everything we wanted to in school... clubs, band, marching band, theater, choir, sports! I did know most JW kids in our hall and surrounding areas did not get to do this. My dad was an elder and had lots of pull, though, so we were probably looked "down" upon but no one had the guts to say anything. Nutty.
Posts by JBean
Harry Potter and my daughter's class
by RunningMan inhere is a little story that i thought you might find interesting.. last week, the local jw sisters dropped by our house to enquire.
as to our recent absences (we actually had good excuses this time).. one of the sisters has a son who is in my daughter's grade 6 class.. during the visit, she asked what we were doing with regard to harry.
Newbie alert !!! Just wanted to say hello...
by sadiejive ini came here by chance...looking for none other than jw material:) i am currently studying with jw's and attend the kh but am not baptized, as are none of the members of my fam...yet.
i've been studying for almost 4 years with the witnesses.
i am confused...that's the simplest way of putting it.
Hi Sadie... welcome! I want to just corroborate (sp?) what the others here have said. Of course the majority of JW's are nice people... they're people just like us with hopes, dreams, loves, etc. HOWEVER... the organization they (we) belong to is not like that. It is extremely controlling. PLEASE do not accept that if you get baptized you can at some point change your mind... or simpler yet, even question what you are learning or what they tell you. I've been a JW since birth and must tell you in all sincerity that you CANNOT leave without being shunned. There are so many rules and regulations (some congregations being more strict than others, of course) that it is hard to live your own life. Know this for a fact before you make any further progress. I got baptized at 17 years old because everyone else in my congregation that was about my age was doing it. I didn't feel like I had any other choice... but you do!!!! I cannot have an honest, open relationship with my JW parents, family or friends... because my life would absolutely fall apart if they knew I disagreed with most of how I was brought up. My suggestion would be to have a SERIOUS talk with your husband... and ask the people you are studying with the HARD questions. And don't accept their "pat" answers... and most of all do not accept their answer of "... well I'm not too sure, but let's wait on Jehovah..." They seem to think this covers most everything. Please use your God-given reasoning abilities and go slow! Much love and peace to you... Jbean
Prayers welcome but not neccessary
by sweetone2377 intoday i am leaving for ky, where my jw mother and step father reside.
sometime during this hectic week, we are having a little meeting of our own with them.
you see, my mother has repeatedly disregarded my wishes and have snuck my children to meetings (ages 2, & 3), taken them out in service, put them in direct contact with a paticular elder that we expressed several times that the kids were to be no where around, etc etc.
I will be thinking of you. What you are about to do is a large step but indeed sounds like it needs to be done. Be strong and know that love and truth are on YOUR side. Please write back and tell us how everything went. Love & peace... Jbean
Holiday Advice
by Kay Francis ini'm new to this forum and badly in need of advice.
my husband and i left the organization over four years ago, but unfortunately have left many family members behind.
in fact, my mother is still an active jw but pretty much follows her own agenda.
I say let her and all of them visit. Hey... she was the one who was asking about social activities, right? Plan something fun! She may not want to admit it but she is probably DYING to let loose and have a good time. If she asks to have fun... let her have fun. She probably got all upset with you 'cos you "ruined" her plans when you brought up her religion. : ) You never know, if your husband and you show her a good time... house being decorated for the holidays, holiday music on the stereo, etc. (hey, it's your house, right?) she may soften to it all. I'd give it a shot if I were you! If she starts bringing up the JW faith, you can just politely tell her the holidays are not the time for such discussions. Seriously, it sounds as if she wants to have a bit of fun away from the organization. : ) Jbean
Divorce? Help please.
by Mulan inwe have a close relative who has left her jw husband.
he is extremely controlling, and emotionally abusive.
their children are grown.
I'm very, very sorry that your relative is going through what is actually two divorces in one. Leaving a marriage is hard, then having it compounded by leaving an organization and possibly losing association with your kids (their choice obviously) must be especially difficult. My only thought here, while she works through this herself, is to be her support. Try to keep her busy mentally, emotionally and socially if you can (hopefully she lives close by). I don't know how or what the abuse she's suffered is, but if she had a choice, I would say to not return to either situation! I know this isn't direct assistance, but in time she will feel better about her choices.
Did Crisis of Conscience damage you?
by Mulan init has been suggested, by a man we know, that those who read crisis of conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it.
it is his opinion that the book shouldn't have been written, because it does harm to people.
i do not agree, and would like to hear from anyone who has an opinion to share, so i can print all this out and show it to him.. comments, everyone, please????
Thank you Joy2! I just may do that! : )
by Serena inhas anyone had any interfaith relationship with a jw that actually worked?
or are they all doomed from day one?
The answer is yes... but only if the JW is the type to be layed-back about things and both individuals are good at compromise. Seeker's life seems to be working well now and I agree with a lot of his points. I spent YEARS trying to convert my hubby (I was born & raised in the faith)... we eventually divorced but not because of religion... lots of other crazy stuff. SInce then I have had 3 long-term boyfriends (all non-JW)...friends/family know about this but don't give me toooo many problems... don't ask me how I manage this! : ) Maybe because I went through a messy divorce and they're afraid I'll crack! hee! Also maybe because they forced the issue of not dating my ex and I married him... now they may think that if they let me do what I want, I won't marry these guys. I dunno. Anyway... all are completely unaware that I've had it with the organization and wouldn't spend a moment of my time in trying to convert the guy I'm with now. So for those of you who are in a relationship (or considering one) with a JW, I guess it depends on how strict they are. You can only tell by having open communication... and remember my example... years and years of trying to force the other person to change... and now look! : )
Did Crisis of Conscience damage you?
by Mulan init has been suggested, by a man we know, that those who read crisis of conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it.
it is his opinion that the book shouldn't have been written, because it does harm to people.
i do not agree, and would like to hear from anyone who has an opinion to share, so i can print all this out and show it to him.. comments, everyone, please????
Hi! Great thread! I am about 1/2 way through CoC and absolutely LOVE it. I haven't been to a "regularly scheduled meeting" for about a year now... but all family is "in" and constantly encouraging me to get regular. (I'm not too lonely as I have a large circle of non-JW friends whom I adore!) ANyhow... I so want to share this book with my mom and dad, who were "in" since their childhood in the 40's & 50's... so they have (at least my dad, who was an elder almost his entire life!) read some of the older publications like the Finished Mystery, etc. I cannot understand why these two intelligent individuals haven't caught on yet about the "truth" of the Troof!!!! After getting through just a bit of Ray's book, I want to have my folks read it... but they are up in years and I can tell by the look on their faces (and the slightly panicked look about the eyes) when I voice my disagreements with the "society" lately, that they just MAY be afraid to face the facts at this late stage in the game. It is just sooooo very sad. My parents both could've had wonderful careers if it weren't for the society telling them that the "end" was due any moment!!!! They are still having to work.. yup, you guessed it... cleaning jobs!!! In fact, my mom remembers thinking that I wouldn't even make grade school... um...not only have I graduated but I'm now 40! So sad. They passed a comment the other day relating to "will we be "ready" when the end comes...are they doing enough!!!?? I said absolutely not... if it comes no one will be actually ready and that I felt that they were missing the point of the entire thing. That no one really knows what God has in store and how he'll read hearts. I told them that I think they are going to get a big surprise. They were not very happy with my thoughts. : ) But I digress... I think Ray was one of the most honest and couragest of men back then in Brooklyn. I would love to thank him in person... it's slow going, but his book is helping. Does anyone know if he ever visits these boards? Jbean
What is the most important thing to know?
by sleepy inif there was just one piece of information you could pass on to another what is the most important thing you can think of that a person should know?.
i would say "never stop learning".. also what subject gives the most enlightenment on life ?.
i would say physics as everything branches from there.
This may sound harsh, but I would pass on: Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you can (or were meant to) be with them. Love without anything else doesn't necessarily make everything ok. Jbean
What do you think?
by BobsGirl ini am needing a catchy name for a niche catering business.. i thought of "the home cookery" .... but i'm not sure if that is quite right.
any suggestions oh creative ones?.
How about something that they'll "feel" when ordering your dinners? A name along the lines of : Comfort 1st Catering? Just a thought! (I also love the "We Cook, You Eat Catering Co. idea!)