MBST... I too grew up a JW. I was married to a non-JW for a few years. I DID NOT lose my family over that... but I can see how you feel you'll lose them over leaving the faith. My suggestion, if she's willing, is to keep religion OUT of your relationship. If you love her so much, you'll not pressure her into attending meetings, etc. And if she does indeed love you, she'll let you go to the meetings, etc. You can't have it both ways, bud. Pretty simple once you decide how you REALLY want to live the rest of your life. Jbean
Posts by JBean
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst ini have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
After JWs--NOW WHAT???
by Smoldering Wick inok, it's been four years for me since i left the jws.
i have been so busy trying to recover from the blow of leaving and losing friends, religion, a social group etc., that i haven't considered (too much) about what's next.
i mean, i've tried to be open minded and listen to other people's beliefs hoping that somewhere/sometime/something would click.
Smoldering... Hi there! I commend you for your courage to go into a store like that! I've been tempted many times... but lacked the guts! : ) I posed the question of "what now" a while ago, and was kindly reminded that Jesus said we were to KEEP asking and we would receive, whatever we were asking for in his name. I decided that this was exactly what I would do. That there more than likely would never be a great light bulb going off, but "the way" would be found gradually. Only in looking back would we be able to see exactly how far we have come. Anyhow... that is just my advice... to keep reading, researching and asking! Also... PLEASE let us know how that meeting go attended went! I'm very interested! Jbean
Memorial Scrabbling
by Demitrius inwell they are scabbling around to find as many people to attend the memorial again this year.. i walked out 3.5 years ago and have not heard anything since from the elders.
i have one that lives about 50 metres away and he is one that has not even telephoned me in all that time.
.. just the other night he turns up on my door step and hands me the usual invite!
I can tell you why I am attending. It is definitely to appease the family. We're all going "together" and it'll be at a congregation different from mine (some towns away)... so at least I won't have to deal with the "locals" asking me where I've been! I'll have to see how I feel about it this year. With all the info I've found out, I wonder if I'll be jumping out of my skin or not!
Wordly people, df'ing, my experience
by flower inthe bryant tragedy has really been stuck in my head and heart this week as i'm sure it has been for all of us.
it occured to me though that there may be some here or lurking that do not understand what made robert do what he did.
there may be some who think that his was an isolated incidence of severe untreated mental illness and have nothing to do with his being disfellowshiped.
Flower... Amen to that. I'm glad you are on the road to healing. love and peace to you, Jbean
Post a message to Sharon Roe(Janet Bryant's sister
by seven006 insharon like her sister janet was also raised a jw.
she left the religion three years ago just about the same time as robert and janet.
her husband is not a jw but did attend the occasional meeting.
I'm writing from the East coast, but this story has touched every one of us, no matter how far away from you we live. My thoughts and prayers are with you, in hopes that God may continue to give you strength. Please visit us here on this site when you feel up to chatting and making some new friends! Jbean
I "second" those congratulations, Joel! I just LOVE Home Depot... even though I'm a 'she', I just love to walk around and look at all the STUFF! Hey... I bet you look really cute in your orange apron! (bearish men everywhere... ha!) : )
I'm screwed..........
by butalbee ini went w/ my ex to the hall tonight, don't remember much except walking in, hiding in the bathroom for half hour, and dodging all the schmoozing when trying to exit the building.
i also remember my ex holding my hand and smiling at me.
it was a happy smile, like "i am so glad you're here w/ me", but it hinted of evil intentions.
Goodmornin', MavMan... I just want to say that was EXCELLENT advice. Truly. I should've been more simplistic myself, but I'm just too close to this type of situation right now. : )
Hey, I'm new here
by Disposable Hero ini have frequented this site quite a bit, but i now have finally joined.
since i seen many other people's posts i will tell.
i grew up with my mother in the "truth" but my father was not.
Welcome, DH! I'm impressed... finding out the truth about the "truth" so young!!! May I ask how old you and your sister are now? Looking forward to your posts! Jbean
Arrested for going kingdumb and dumber hall!
by D wiltshire inarrested for going kingdumb hall!.
last night (3/21) the mountain view (ca) police arrested me.. this happened as i was attending the sunnyvale congregation service meeting.. i was dfd last july and was told by the elders the conditions for reinstatement were meeting attendance, repentance along with not speaking to anyone or anyone speaking to me (shunning at its finest).
(btw, i was dfd for apostasy).
Shrieked really loud!!!!! AHAHAH... Good one! I hope that this isn't going to stay on your permanent record or anything... but I bet the cops thought the JW's were totally off their rockers!!! ; )