JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
RE: NORWAY J-Dubs and the possible hold-out by Anthony Morris III
by Terry injanuary 2021: the norwegian state denies state subsidies to jehovah's witnesses, citing exclusion policies.. august 2021: a norwegian court annuls a disfellowshipping decision by jehovah's witnesses.. may 3, 2022: the supreme court of norway upholds the decision to annul the disfellowshipping.. october 25, 2022: the county governor of oslo and viken demands changes to jehovah's witnesses' practices.. december 22, 2022: jehovah's witnesses' registration as a religious community is revoked.
—---anthony morris iii officially stepped down from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses on february 22, 2023.
march 4, 2024: oslo county court rules in favor of the state, upholding the decision to withhold funding and retract registration.. february 3-14, 2025: the oslo appeal court hears the latest appeal from jehovah's witnesses.
Sorry wrong thread -
Lol according to that flow chart (and depending on my mood at the time) i should either be a Jehovahs Witness or a Wiccan
MoomanchuThe cruise is my favourite!
I want a marriage mate that’s a brother
by Lace83 inhi, my name is leacy and i am 41 years old.
i live in california.
i attend the rancho santa margarita congregation.
IiamThe USA laws favor women in a divorce, even with a pre-nup. Smart rich young men DON'T GET MARRIED.
😂Oh it's a shame I'm not young nowadays, then! I once had this rich, good looking tanned Californian Lamborghini dealer chase me all over London...he even rang my grandma trying to get a hold of me (he thought I looked like Brooke Shields)
He said to me "Anna...isn't it just as easy to love a rich man as a poor one?" And I - the Brain of Britain - said "No!"🤦♀️
serena williams
by FreeFallin innot really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
Apart from anything else the length of her skirt would be an issue right there!
As an aside I was thinking yesterday how small the world is now and how American cultural hegemony has multiplied due the internet. For instance my British kids stayed up all night watching the superbowl with their mates - a "watch party"! I don't exaggerate when i say very few of my generation would even know what it was (I'm sure other Brits would back me up here!)
My kids also pronounce things in an American way like the word Dune they say "Doon" like Americans, not the British way "DJune" (a sort of june with a slight D at the front). There's so many words like that Gen Z no longer pronounce in the British way. My grandparent's generation had regional accents from one village to the next nearly....now the world is one cultural village (well the western Anglophone world anyway)
JW Vaccine mandate: The contrast between voices of reason and confusion
by ukpimo ini was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
On the second reddit post someone posted that they were forced to get vaccinated at work so why the conspiracy theories with watchtower "employees" because it was fairly standard practice and didnt mean watctower was "making bank". Although I agree with his observation that people on the one hand call the GB stupid but on the other think they are in bed with billionaire financiers (although there is such a thing as a kind of "sly smarts" that isn't intelligence but more a side effect of greed). However there's a big difference between insisting employee's get a vaccine and members of a church doing so (nor that i think any kind of vaccine mandate is ethical)
I also get annoyed when (usually SJW) ex JW's conflate being "anti vax" with the scientifically valid and proven concerns around the covid vaccines.
Miscarriage myths amongst JW
by Anony Mous inso i am having these discussions about children etc and there are witness ties and family history in these discussions.
i got the feeling having this discussion that they seemed to imply somehow it was ‘the parent’s fault’ for having a miscarriage.
whether it was domestic violence, or the mother did something wrong themselves.
n this particular case of David and Bath-sheba neither of them had a right to the child and so there was no injustice in their being deprived of it. Besides, as an uncircumcised, unnamed infant it had not as yet developed any personality pattern or consciousness so as to appreciate life.
- Bloody hell! That is absolutely appalling. So it would follow that they clearly shouldn't have any issue with abortion at any stage of a baby's developement right up until birth since its not properly human yet, according to watchtower*. I just cant with these guy's on the GB and the writing commitee.....would that mean an unwanted child that had not even been given a name is worthless in God's eyes,too? What an utterly heartless thing to write I could cry
U.K to remove time limit for Abuse Cases.
by Phizzy inat present the u.k has a preposterous rule that cases of csa can only be brought within three years of the victim turning 18.. this time limit meant that many cases did not go to court, as the poor victims did not feel able to talk about their ordeals at that age.
the time limit of 3 years will be removed, at last, as was recommended by the independent inquiry in to csa back in 2022.. kim harrison, president of the association of personal injury lawyers, said the three-year deadline was "wholly inappropriate".. "it will now be the burden of defendants to prove that the passage of time has created an unfair trial, rather than on the victim or survivor to prove a fair trial is possible," she said.. j.w.
paedophiles will now be brought to justice.
Thank you Phizzy. I knew about mandatory reporting but not the time limit. That's utterly absurd! Were these part of the iicsa recommendAtions or the J enquiry, anyone know? It's all come back in to national focus due to the rape gangs crises. If there's a further national enquiry I wonder if the coercive control element of abuse/grooming - & also exerted by organisations such as Watchtower - also be a part of a national enquiry, or will the focus purely be on criminal gangs?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
LMsA Doubt it. He’d be a joke in Manchester or anywhere in the UK for that matter and he knows it. The cost of living is so horrendous and I doubt he’s moving back there to live in a shit hole flat for the rest of his life. He’d really struggle. But North America or perhaps Western Europe - that’s where I’d put my money on him relocating to. There is a Cedarite somewhere who’d be tickled to have Jabba the Hutt set up studio and living quarters in their basement. Perhaps that crazy cat cunt Rhonda Hample in Ontario. His comedy routine might even be better received there as a British man living abroad is more of a novelty.
😂👍Yes...what's her name Kooky cat ....loopy cat or something?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Interesting that Lloyd's most recent video, "My Beliefs Are Changing," has been up only two days and has 27K views. Whereas his previous eight videos have an average of only 7.2k views.
This is speculation, but maybe 20k of those 27k views are by Lloyd critics and Lloyd victims watching the slob disintegrate on video.
Ok I think many of us could hear this one breaking like a fart over a walkie-talkie. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes his cue from another pervy Brit who used to hide behind his "right on, politically correct" persona....Russell Brand. He too "changed his beliefs" when it looked as if his career would tank over abuse claims & became a Christian. Cedars too would be able to resurrect his career by teaching Christians how to debate witnesses & bring them to Christ. But Like Watchtower, money is Cedars real God.
I think for that reason the US and mainstream Christianity would be Cedars target. That kind of grift would be slim pickings in the JWs & in the UK which is a shadow of it's former self.... and we all know Watchtower doesn't tolerate any competition when it comes to the grift!
JW's home schooling over-representing
by joey jojo inspeaking to an old elder friend recently about his decision to home school his high school aged kids.. he claims that here in australia, about 30% of the students that log into online classrooms are jw's.
the others are disabled kids - who cant physically attend class and the rest are long distance students.. another generation of under-educated jw kids on the way..
Home schoolers on average do better than public schools, on par with private schools. It all depends on the parent and their priorities, kids mirror that. Home schooling in some regions of the world allow side stepping of oversight, the US is pretty strict on these things, requiring annual equivalency tests both at state and federal level, but Europe and I guess Australia, once you home school there are no further checks.
Now that i do find hard to believe. It certainly isn't the experience i hear over and again from home schooled ex jws. If home school kids do better than state schooled kids and as well as private schooled kids, then god help your school system. In Australia kids are mainly home schooled due to vast distances in the outback and they have professional teacher's teaching them, so its not quite the same as the mum and dad home schooling we think of in the US and the UK.