dear pea head,
are you sure you aren't you know posting under another screen name?
sure sounds like a "theocratic tactic"
heh, i haven't visited a site like this is well over a year, i guess.
but i used to like to read the posts of "you know" at the hourglass2 web site.
loved the way he could get under the skin of so many and how he continually confounded the naysayers.
dear pea head,
are you sure you aren't you know posting under another screen name?
sure sounds like a "theocratic tactic"
a question: does anyone know if the om book (organized to accomplish our ministry) is available on line.
i am particularly interested in the 80 questions and anything to do with elder ms qualifications.
i lost mine several years ago when i stripped down my library to a small number of books and the cd-rom.. i'd be willing to buy a hard copy and cover the shipping costs if anyone has a spare.. thanks,.
My wife and I were just cleaning out our " Theocratic library"
and along with the OM book were the additional questions sent out after the book was published. One question was, get this, ,,Why would it be the loving thing to do for you (as a baptisimal candidate} to inform the presiding overtseer if you had a communicable disease.
Of course we all know it would be kept in strict confidence.
it seems to me that we are searching continually for newer and better dirt on the wtbts.. now we hear about jw child abusers.
child abuse is still a newish thing in the public eye.
we see the same mistakes .
you're completely missing the point.
you say that we[jw's] are just like everyone else and because of that we should not be attacked so savagely, as all those horrible, fanatical, mean spirited xjw's are doing. excuse me jo but the cornerstone of jw theology is that jw's are a paragon of purity and virtue as a result of the superior knowledge that the "truth" has bestowed on them. as a result of this belief the old axiom " extraordionary claims demand extraordionary proof's" comes into play , unfortuanently the big boys want it both ways , they want to condemn all others for sins, mistakes , anything but when their dirty laundry is uncovered they scream like raped ape's.
well, i for one am glad that finally the sins of their secrets are coming into the open.
michael jackson still claims to be a jw.
About 10 years ago a prominent black elder from LA area who had been on the special commitee list, made reference to the M.J. problem,he said that some of the elder,s lost their positions over the matter , the society brought in a heavyweight from bethel. Then he spoke derisively about "one's who try to void their responsibilities by trying to say that their baptism was invalid".
It led me to believe he was talking about M>J.. if he did suceed in having his{M>J.} baptism voided it would explain a lot of things.
pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg.
in 2000.. total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
oops, you're right, the usa 2000 service year total baptism's were 30,290.
It does make the drop in baptism's even steeper for the 2001 service year, as you pointed out, over 2000 down.
thank's for the correction. jeffory
pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg.
in 2000.. total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
avg. pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg. in 2000.
total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
i was raised a jw and during the 1950's i experienced the ugly side of flag worship.
date: 1960. place: midwestern industrial city.. scene: school gymnasium/auditorium.
2,000 students assembled to recognize the foreign exchange students.
i think your confusing patrotism with jingoism, which is what we are seeing a lot of now. second point , what you're feeling now is really about your negative feelings about what happened to you, one thing to remember though is the adjustment that the gb came out with in the 80's about it being ok to stand or keep standing for the the new school brochure.
so your anger should be directed at the gb for forcing you to undergo that torture.
when i was in school one thing that i admired about jw's was what i perceived as their courage in not standing during the flag ceremony,but now i understand that those youth were not doing anything out of a real sence of pleasing god but out of forced obedience to an orgizational dictate. and as all orgazanational dictates are ,they are subject to revision, as that one was some 20 plus years after your tribulation.
i belive [now that i feel a sense of my own ability to determine whether standing for the flag is rendering worshipful honors] that standing for the flag is no more rendering worship any more then standing for a judge when he enters the courtroom .
iam proud to be an american but not proud of everything that my country has done nor am i blind to those wrongs.
standing is a show of respect , not standing is a show of disrespect to "God,s minister".
the horse in this case is district overseer aimee .
commenting on what brooklyn is doing about the wtc tradgedy he said that after the initial lock down, [ done because of security concerns due to lack of police in areas as they were all down town] as if that excuses it, they are now providing assistance in the form of a shuttle for fireman from brooklyn to the downtown area as well as the providing of cutting torches and equiptment which may be needed.. he made it sound as if they were actively doing something but i think it was merely an offer as opposed to an act done.
i am sure their pr machine will have a glowing report of their activity in the days ahead.. he also said that brooklyn bethel has provided all po's in us with a sermon outline incorporating this tradgedy in order to give "hope to others".
the horse in this case is District Overseer Aimee .
commenting on what Brooklyn is doing about the WTC tradgedy He said that after the initial lock down, [ done because of security concerns due to lack of police in areas as they were all down town] as if that excuses it, they are now providing assistance in the form of a shuttle for fireman from Brooklyn to the downtown area as well as the providing of cutting torches and equiptment which may be needed.
He made it sound as if they were actively doing something but I think it was merely an offer as opposed to an act done. I am sure their pr machine will have a glowing report of their activity in the days ahead.
He also said that Brooklyn Bethel has provided all PO's in US with a sermon outline incorporating this tradgedy in order to give "Hope to others". Then he went on to make a carefully worded statement to the effect that our prayers go out to all victims in NY and their relatives.
What struck me about his wording was that their was no reference to only the bro's and sisters affected by this tradgedy .
My feelings on what was said and done?.... I see no good motive by them toward this tradgedy , only an effort to do PR damage control and try to make an appearance of helping without really helping,
also I believe they really only want to capitilaze on this tradgedy.
He also used a word that heretofore has been a bad word in the JW vocabulary , that is humanitarian works. He used this in reference to what is being done by the Brooklyn Bethel,
to help in this tradgedy..
Is it really a beginning of change, a more humsan heart in this sociopathic beast of an organization or just more self promoting deception?
mu heart goes out to all who suffered from this evil act.
i don' post often but this was just too much.
my daughter was visiting us over the weekend and was called by a pioneer friend discussing the tragic events in nyc.
the conversation was about a recent trip to bethel, while there this pioneer and her group was invited to bro.
I don' post often but this was just too much. My daughter was visiting us over the weekend and was called by a pioneer friend discussing the tragic events in NYC. The conversation was about a recent trip to Bethel, while there this pioneer and her group was invited to Bro. Barber's office , evidentely it has a great view of the NYC skyline, to quote her relating what he said .... "I will be here to see all this destroyed " pointing to the city skyline.
I'am stunned by the depth of their evil, but that's what happens when you really believe all are worthy of destruction but you and your own. sounds like not much difference between the hatred of those who would bomb and the hatred of those who would gloat.
Tonight I'am going to a memorial service in downtown Seattle.[Interfaith be damned]
jc file notes - what do they contain?
jones.. 15. brother smith would tell bro.
smith noted too that bro.
i've enjoyed your post's in the past and have been content to just read them. this one struck a raw nerve.
my oldest daughter had a rough time through her teen years ,much of the blame can be traced to my door as i was a true blue elder,,,,you know the drill ---org. == god which means god before family which translates into the organization before family..
of course the net effect of this nonsense is that it shortcuts and cancels out the normal ,god given instinct of a father to protect his own family. the sick results are that children do not get the support the so desperately need at the time of life they need it most.
my blood starts to boil as i think of those times---anyway to get to the point my own awakening began about 3 years ago, 2 years ago we left the cong. we had been associated with for over 25 years,,,i left as an elder but i made one last visit to the file cabinent which contained all the j.c. files and removed the files on my daughter[2 large packs] and burned them.
my own mini version of the boston tea party.
may the revolution began to burn bright