Please don't hurt yourself, there are plenty of people on here that will spend time talking to you.
Check out the link poopsie posted...please get some help now.
i feel like not being part of anything since god knows when.
i ve tryed, but to make a long story short: i don t fit in to anything.. i can t get out of these bleeding depressions.
so i ll go out tonight for the last time in my life and take an overdose at the end.. its been nice meeting you all.
Please don't hurt yourself, there are plenty of people on here that will spend time talking to you.
Check out the link poopsie posted...please get some help now.
some good laughs on black friday.
WOW Shelby what a story........ gave me the shivers.
Peace to you.
a person buys a lamp at a local store.. the lamp won't talk to him or fly about the room, so he decides to sell the worthless piece of junk at a garage sale.. a jw buys the lamp, takes it home, and it immediately begins speaking to her in the foulest form of backwards latin she has ever heard, and as it does so it flies around the room, repeatedly making bombing runs at her head.
this jw, however is fully equipped with the spiritual suit of armor and calls upon jehovah trismegistus ("jehovah, jehovah, jehovah!
") and the lamps explodes into harmless ceramic shards.
She was probably just lactose intolerant. The demons get the blame for everything!
Good one
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with, may you all have peace!.
i have not been posting "a lot" lately (not that i post a lot, considering the averages) and there is a reason: i have another bit to share and just wasn't up to the "fight" that usually comes when i do so.
so, i had to take a step back and let our lord refresh me a bit and give me the strength... and flint-y forehead... that i would need to follow through with this post.
Hi Shelby thanks for posting, got it.
I was going to respond to a certain poster but sometimes it's best just to lol
Peace to you and all your household.
nothing spectacular but you may relate to some of my emotions.. it was nearly 5 years ago now.
i had almost left twice before but changed my mind at the last minute.
this time i knew it was for real.
That story choked me up. Sooooooo glad you're free.
Peace to you
my 10 year old grandson is in the hospital with really high blood pressure.
he has a urinary tract blockage which is affecting his kidney function,which resulted in the high blood pressure.
his dad, soonernc7 and his mom are with him now.
Hope everything turns out ok.
at times i will greet a brother or a sister at the kingdom hall and i will ask them how they are.. they look at me with tired eyes and say, i'm h.e.r.e.this poem is for all of us who are glad that you are h.e.r.e.. .
the kids were cranky, your husband was late.
the dinner you had ready just had to wait.
double gag
i agree that truth is progressivewe need more time to understand.
this is the excuse given by the members of the governing body for the changes in their understanding.
should not this latitude be granted the other religions?
I tried going on and my 'puter kept jamming. I'll try again later.
Good news for you Shelby. Before my Dad died he told me his Granma was Jewish. It came as a total shock because the family never, ever talked about it. We just never know what information lies in those dusty old closets do we.
I see you're stalkers still stalking, lol.
i don't post much, so most of you don't know me.
i live in nc near oompa, and he has become a good friend with my wife and i over the last few years.. so as an update, my wife visited oompa today!
he's recovering, but has a long recovery to go.
Could someone please pm an address where I could send oompa a card please.
In the meantime GET WELL SOON.
do you believe that just because you start your posts with, may you have peace, that you are genuinely kind?
when in actuality, when you greet people with that message, then follow it with sarcasm and snide remarks, you are really being cruel.
when was cruelty ever synonymous with being faithful?
How you doing Shelby?
By the looks of things you must be doing something right to receive such bad responses whenever you post.
Peace and strength to you