Why waste your precious time?
They believe what they WANT to believe....
i know that soon, the jws in our area will be out in full force, on their hit and run campaign with invitations to the memorial.
did you ever encounter a householder during this campaign, that made you stop and think about what you were doing?
Why waste your precious time?
They believe what they WANT to believe....
well, all parodying of the january 2014 awake aside: no, not so unique.
unlike the claims of jw.org, it is not the one true website that will solve all your problems.
in fact, jwlove.org will not be for everyone and i admit that there are likely other places where the same information is presented in a better, more comprehensive manner.
we all know that elders and ministerials are appointed by holy spirit.
i was in the organization for about 25 years and was in 4 different congregations over the years.. in one congregration there was a sister in her mid-50's with an unbelieving husband.
he did not attend meetings.
I served as an elder for just under 12 years. I was part of appointing several men to 'elders.'
I can assure you that 'holy spirit' has nothing to do with it. Here is what it always comes down to:
Service average over 10 hours
Is he a good speaker?
Does the CO like him?
Everything else is just noise. The elder arrangment is totally absurd. Most of them have never read the Bible, don't read the literature and have all sort of personal secrets/sins. Many of the men I served with struggled with porn. Their kids were complete train wrecks.
many jws are misfits and many that were raised as jws find it difficult to be "normal".
are you comfortable with yourself at this point in time?.
YES...very much so.
I did go through a period of bitterness when it came to lack of a career/college education. But the more people I work for, the more I realize I'm more qualified than half of them.
Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses was the key to daily happiness
how would the watchtower of july 15th read if the watchtower was written in 1st person from the ones allegedly preparing an dispensing spiritual food (ie the watchtower)?
why is it written by a faceless 3rd person telling readers what to think about the people who are allegedly dispensing the very material i'm reading?
i was reading the july 15th article and laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.. .
That is really amazing.....so profound!
Thanks Antioch!!
i recently became aware of the new light.
please correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't this new light concerning 1914 means that the wt have been preaching the wrong doctrine for decades?
LOL!!! Yes it does.
Now....if they were truly God's "only true organization".......why isn't there a MASSIVE campaign to go back and tell millions of people....yes every single precious soul......that they were wrong and they now have new information?
Don't hurt your head considering this basic question.....they are a cult. Start there.
here is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
Don't count on it
Elders are inherently lazy.
It will never happen
so awhile back, during our last circuit overseer visit, vic and i decided to bite the bullet.... there seemed to be very little support for the mid-week lunch plans for the co and his wife, so we signed up to host.
we definitely didnt want it to be awkward, so we invited a few others along, as a nice little group affair.
they were excited, and offered to do the cooking, so i said i would play along.. just some background.... this particular co is kind of a tool (big surprise right?
This sounds a lot like Roger Triplett
during our engagement, we fooled around and touch each other down there.
it's not a "tap" but definitely is not "stimulation".
i tried to convince my wife, who, after 5 years of marriage, strangely felt guilty all the sudden, that its not do called porneia.
How long has it been????
Before you do ANYTHING.....look at the October 1972 Kingdom Ministry Question Box.
As a former long time elder, I can tell you this is the 'get out of jail free' card....
In the late 2000's they were sending CO's around with this reference.....and I'd already used it several times the prior decade.....
Read it with your wife.................do NOT go to the elders...with ANYTHING
here are some highlights from the magazine.
the first article, "imitate the faith of moses", teaches how moses didn't remain in pharohs court, they then skillfully spin getting a decent paying job and career as equaling "enjoyment of sin", and how those who have "enjoyment of sin" will die at armageddon with everyone else who enjoys their job.
here are some quotes from the article.... "when tempted to engage in sinful conduct, ask, what future do i want for myself?....
She should talk to Witnesses from the 1940s through 1990s.........she won't be so 'happy'