LOL.....why are you shocked? The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus teaching the apostles this very same thing.......
on the service meeting there was a part covering a couple of pages from the tms guidebook chapter on warmth and feeling.
rather than coaching the r&f on how to make a school talk sound warm, it focused on the people that jws meet in their ministry.
basically, the part could have been labelled "how to fake warmth and feeling.
LOL.....why are you shocked? The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus teaching the apostles this very same thing.......
It took me awhile to date. I'm not going to lie and say I was an angel when I left the organization and started dating. I wasn't......I went through a lot of was a repressed reaction to growing up in a cult and being married at 19. At 38, I went bonkers.
It's difficult to navigate. I wish I could say it would be easy to find a great relationship. It isn't. And it's made worse by our lack of experience. However, keep working at it. There are some fantastic people out there that are worth your time!
if one reads genesis from the first chapter through the end with an open mind, it is clear that not only is it not true, but that god is potrayed as a cruel, petty, childish micromanaging tyrant.
if one continues reading the ot this is just further solidified.
how do jws not see the obvious?
Because the vast...VAST majority of JW's don't read the Bible or anything else.
They see a pretty picture and their brains are turned off.
If they actually read the Bible they would have many, many more questions......not just about YHWH.
JW's on average are some of the laziest people on this planet.
yes twenty-five years ago today we sent in our da letter.
some regrets, not about leaving the cult obviously, but sometimes when i read about people slowly fading and keeping in touch with family and friends i wonder if we should have done that.
of course it was before the internet in 1989 so we didn't know about people fading.. one day we were driving along and we had been talking about moving congregations because we knew something was wrong but of course we thought it was local.
I always love reading the stories of the fine people on this forum.
I have a slightly different personality.....I'm an all in or all out guy.....and I didn't care what anyone thought. After serving for an elder for well over a decade, people are still shocked to learn I walked away. They have left me alone. I didn't purposefully fade, but I dared them to follow me.
I was never officially announce anywhere but I'm more than open to those I run into years later that they are in a man made cult. I could care less.
It's funny that I still get requests to connect on LinkedIn or Facebook (when I had one) doesn't seem to stop JW's......they still see me as that popular elder guy.......but alas, I'm definitely not.
just browsing the jw survey website and looked at the above article.
i am constantly being amazed by the disgusting bs the gb spew out.
this time it's about all the people "slain by jehoover and how the bodies would lay end to end of the earth......and the birds of heaven called to clean up the slain.
Fear of authority, fear of God, fear of the future, fear of making a mistake, fear of being alone, fear of growing old.....fear, fear, fear.
This cult has been preaching the same crap for over a century.
It's never going to change. The vast majority of those in control aren't exactly rocket scientists.
i know that soon, the jws in our area will be out in full force, on their hit and run campaign with invitations to the memorial.
did you ever encounter a householder during this campaign, that made you stop and think about what you were doing?
Why waste your precious time?
They believe what they WANT to believe....
well, all parodying of the january 2014 awake aside: no, not so unique.
unlike the claims of, it is not the one true website that will solve all your problems.
in fact, will not be for everyone and i admit that there are likely other places where the same information is presented in a better, more comprehensive manner.
we all know that elders and ministerials are appointed by holy spirit.
i was in the organization for about 25 years and was in 4 different congregations over the years.. in one congregration there was a sister in her mid-50's with an unbelieving husband.
he did not attend meetings.
I served as an elder for just under 12 years. I was part of appointing several men to 'elders.'
I can assure you that 'holy spirit' has nothing to do with it. Here is what it always comes down to:
Service average over 10 hours
Is he a good speaker?
Does the CO like him?
Everything else is just noise. The elder arrangment is totally absurd. Most of them have never read the Bible, don't read the literature and have all sort of personal secrets/sins. Many of the men I served with struggled with porn. Their kids were complete train wrecks.
many jws are misfits and many that were raised as jws find it difficult to be "normal".
are you comfortable with yourself at this point in time?.
YES...very much so.
I did go through a period of bitterness when it came to lack of a career/college education. But the more people I work for, the more I realize I'm more qualified than half of them.
Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses was the key to daily happiness
how would the watchtower of july 15th read if the watchtower was written in 1st person from the ones allegedly preparing an dispensing spiritual food (ie the watchtower)?
why is it written by a faceless 3rd person telling readers what to think about the people who are allegedly dispensing the very material i'm reading?
i was reading the july 15th article and laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.. .
That is really profound!
Thanks Antioch!!