Good luck for this efford Randy. I can't make it since I'm in Greece but my thoughts are with all those who will participate in this Rally.
JoinedPosts by justhuman
PROTEST RALLY Oct 20th in Canada
by Dogpatch inprotest rally agenda:
purpose :
to make the public aware of what the watchtower society is really about and what harm it is deliberately doing.
A Secret about DF'ing that Elders will not tell you.
by Amazing inone of the big issues affecting ex-jws is being shunned by their close relatives.
this can be especially painful for parents, children or siblings.
the jw relative may even make some exceptions to associate in the name of "necessary" business, but then later on their conscience "pricks" them, and they realize that they have pushed the envelope too much and they withdraw their association altogether ... or ... the society comes out with some article or the co comes to town, and manage to ding on some issue that make jws feel guilty about associating with df'd and da'd relatives.
Not if you are DF'ing for APOSTASY. They have other unwritten rules. Specially when your family are still JW's the WT will BRAKE every bond between you and them.
Besides Apostasy it is the worst sin, and apostates deserve to DIE.
What God Really Wants
by Farkel ini am thoroughly conviced that if the bible is to be believed as it is written, then god has gone out of his way to want all humans to be atheists.
he goes out of his way to convince people he couldn?t possibly exist, and if he does exist, he wants no one to follow him.
with the exception of the books of job, daniel and ezekiel almost all the other books of the old testament are full of gore, murder and genocide either from god himself, or upon the direct orders of god.
% meetings attended by those here still JWS
by stillajwexelder ini am still a jw -- i am down to about 30% meeting attendance -- for those here still jws what % meetings do you attend (approximately)?
sorry if we have had this post before
Yes attendance is down...most of JW are getting tired of the whole Org thing. So many years and the end didn't come...well there is something wrong...Specially after the "new light" regarding the generation you see that they don't have that zeal they used to have in the 80's. At least not in the western world were internet and media are so massive. They still have the ex-communist countries that people don;t have an idea of the cults...put time will show more reduced numbers for sure
In memory of my uncle John who died last Sunday
by justhuman inin memory of my uncle john who died last sunday
when i had a phone call that my uncle died just before i got on stage, i sat for a moment and i was looking my guitar.
in those moments i saw my life passing by, and the days that i have spend with my uncle and cousins in summer holidays at our village in the mountains of greece.
In memory of my uncle John who died last Sunday
When I had a phone call that my uncle died just before I got on stage, I sat for a moment and I was looking my guitar. In those moments I saw my life passing by, and the days that I have spend with my uncle and cousins in summer holidays at our village in the mountains of Greece.
He was a great guy. Sometimes you don’t know how can other people affect your life, and I was thinking if my uncle didn’t follow the JW’s my life would have been different. First off all I my father wouldn’t also follow JW and this happened because of my uncle that saw bad things happening at the Orthodox Church. So as usual, one JW came in conduct with him and the rest you can guess it easily.
If only he, and my father could just sit a little bid and think about it. They spend their lives and financial future for the Organization, waiting for Armageddon, and because of this they have affect our life’s. When I start to question the JW’s theological system and read all those books that Russell and Rutherford wrote I said ‘what the hell is happening in here’. How came people like that with no theological, and historical background can create such a massive cult like JW’s. How come and you have been cheated by a bunch of false prophets, and you have left all the spiritual riches that the Orthodox Church gave you all this years?
All these thoughts came by and suddenly I grab my guitar got on stage and start to play with the band.
The next morning I went to the funeral. After the burial I just went in one corner of the cemetery and whisper: “I know you are watching me uncle, I guess now you know the truth. Now you are close to God along with my untie. She was waiting for you. I know you are both happy again. As you have see uncle I no longer believe the JW’s. Deep inside me I’m Christian Orthodox and although I disagree with the some bad things happening insight the Church, still the truth never changes. I know that God has forgiven you because He is A God of LOVE. And what you have done you did it in order to be closer to HIM. Although you have been misleaded by false prophets. I will light a candle in memory of you to the Church of our village. Have to go now I have a war to fight. You know that I have my family in the Organization and I have to help them to get out. It is a big war, as you will see. I love you and one day we will be meet again…we will have so many things to say…until then good bye uncle…”
The silent cancer in the organization
by truthseeker incancer is one of the worlds biggest killers.
some people discover they have cancer early and they can have it quickly removed and be cured.
others are not so lucky.
Great post
Personally I believe that time is running against the Org. I have see many JW's that they start to question many doctrines of the WT. In few years WT it will be a religion of old age people. The young ones are leaving for many reasons, but since the Org it is running by a handfull old men that they cannot realize what is really happening in the world. Eventually the will just like any other religion.
But there is the possibility for new markets to sell their faith. We have China a very big market indeed, plus Chineese people don't know anything about cults and how they work. In China there wasn't any democracy and freedom of thought like in Western countries people need to be quided and most of all they don't know Christianity.
But we have also India, and Muslim countries that JW's don't preach. So the World Wide Market can still produce many millions JW's!!!
Comments You Will Not Hear at The 9-28-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 9-28-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt article quotes are in
Great staff Blondie
Next time when I will go to a WT study I will use some of your comments and ask the Elder!!!
Who is your favorite author?
by Happythoughts in.
ayn rand is mine.
just wondering so i can find a new book or books to read *smiles*.
There are many authors that I like personally since, the Greek literature it is the best in the world.
The novel the Last Tempetation by Nikos Kazantzakis it is one of my favoured. He tried to see Jesus from the human point of view.
Also George Orwell and the masterpiece he wrote 1984. It was the novel(although there are some prophetic happenings how it would be the world in the future) that helped me realize that the WT was just like Big Brother and how they manipulate people. It indeed my favored
First Century ' Governing body' Part Two
by MacHislopp ingoverning body .
"governing body' !!!
the governing body is there.
Nice work man
The GB are so confused regarding of what they stand for
Any step-parents here??
by Out At 22 inhey everyone.
i was wondering if there are any fellow step-parents or soon-to-be step parents around?
i am a soon-to be stepmom to four girls (14,11,6,4).
Oh my God, you must be very brave to do that!!! I have one step daughter and she never meet with her real father, she left her when she was 1 year old. She is with me since she was 5 more than 11 years together, but still she asks her mother about her father, what he was like and many other staff that she never asks me.
PersonalIy I tried her like my daughter