From my experience it seems like there are proportionately more black folks than your average mixed religion. As a matter of fact, my town's nickname is Caucasian Falls and there's about 50/50 black/white (with some "other" in there) at the local congregation.
JoinedPosts by Libelle
Blackness. If the JW religion is a majority black religion, is this a majority black board?
by Quillsky inbefore anyone asks whether it's important.... no it's not, it's just interesting..
Im finally leaving my jw husband.
by littlebird insome of you know i have struggled with this for awhile.
i really do believe in marriage and the committment, however, sometimes enough is enough.. his endless preaching at me and calling me and my (adult) children satan has me realizing that this situation is not going to get better.
the other day he kicked my son out of the house for wearing a cap, in his car, with a skull on it.
LIttlebird, I don't know you on this site yet, but read through this thread. I'm also married to a JW (I have never been one) and the sense of relief that has come through with your words in this thread is very easy to pick-up on. In fact, I admit I felt a twinge of jealousy in reading your opening post, as this is a constant inner debate for me.
Here's to you and your new life!!
Calling all PAGANS....
by VampireDCLXV insince i don't know what to believe about "god" right now, i'm wondering what a pagan's take on all this is.
consider this a roll call for any and all pagan types out here.
whether you consider yourself pagan, neo-pagan, poly-theist, wiccan or whatevs, i'd like to hear from ya.
Too busy right now to post, but when I have time, I will come by.
Anyone get divorced because of differing beliefs?
by NiceDream inlately my husband has been miserable, but isn't talking.
he is really upset that he is "stuck with me" now that he knows i question my beliefs.
i thought we could explore the bible together and i hoped he would come to the same conclusion as me, but he won't do that.
Vastly different beliefs here. We started out - had 5 years of a decent, but still had our moments relationship. I'm a Pagan, him a former study who would one day go back... I haad no idea what it meant. The fact taht we're married is due in part to his desire to become a publisher, before baptism and couldn't while we cohabitated. So we're married. I contemplate divorce constantly. I worry about my stepkids, and some days it feels like they're the only reasons I'm still married.
Pastor to burn Koran
by beksbks inus pastor says will burn koran despite petraeus concerns
tue sep 7, 9:21 am et end .byline washington (afp) the pastor of a small florida church said tuesday he will go ahead with his plans to hold a koran burning this week, despite warnings by the us commander of the afghan war of violent reactions in the islamic world.terry jones, who heads the dove world outreach center in gainesville florida, said he had given "serious" consideration to the concerns expressed by general david petraeus over plans to torch a koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks, but said he would proceed anyway.. "we are taking the general's words very serious.
we are continuing to pray about the action on september 11th," he said.. nevertheless, he said "we have firmly made up our mind" to go ahead with burning the muslim holy book.. "i mean, how long, when does america stand for truth?
Eh, in my opinion, the world could stand to do away with ALL the Abrahamic religions.
Tame animals in the New System
by brotherdan inso i was thinking about this whole idea of animals being tame and getting along with each other and how the wts depicts this in their artwork.
i'm having a major issue with this.
how far down the food chain would this go?
Yeah, it sure amuses me... there are going to be some massive population problems. DO insects die? Because they're animals too.
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle inok, the mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me i just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel.
" apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... something more subtle.
anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, i reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... is he just putting his own spin on it?
Terry, that's how I feel about the bible's stance on women in general... I was trying to see from a new perspective, but really, I still come away from such passages with the same taste in my mouth- sit down, and let us stronger, tougher men run the show, weak little lady.
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle inok, the mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me i just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel.
" apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... something more subtle.
anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, i reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... is he just putting his own spin on it?
Based on my experience, Libelle, you are definitely in the minority as far as women's attitudes are concerned. Most women today will say, "Sure I want equal rights, I want equal pay, I want to be treated like a man in every way, etc, etc, etc.." Okay, all young women in America who are turning 18 should go register with the selective service just in case the draft should ever get reinstated. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, you can hear the crickets now as these same women don't want equal responsibility.
By the way, those sorts of women are the sorts who like the freedoms and choices brought them by feminism, but in no way will call herself a feminist, lest she be marked. Me on the other hand, I am proud to be a feminist.
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle inok, the mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me i just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel.
" apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... something more subtle.
anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, i reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... is he just putting his own spin on it?
WRT Divorce laws - they originated to help women back in the day (or at least these particular laws) where staying at home was the norm, and women couldn't do things like, oh have a credit card in their own name. Back in those days, women could just not do alot of what they can do now. They do still help some women as they were intended to. However, I think lately, these laws have been twisted around by opportunists and don't serve the same purposes that they used to serve. There should be much more case-by-case consideration than there is, at present.
Women as weaker vessel - explain?
by Libelle inok, the mr. constantly rolls his eyes and tells me i just don't understand anytime any of his literature shows up with something along the lines of "women are the weaker vessel.
" apparently (at least in his own little mind), it does not mean women are these delicate, breakable, weaker things, but something else... something more subtle.
anytime he's ever explained it to me (which has been a few years, i reckon), it's come out sounding like reason for women being second class citizens... is he just putting his own spin on it?
Damn - crossposted.
Yeah, Gary, I guess I have to suck it up and realize I'm not the norm. I'm the breadwinner, The Mr works PT from home and does alot of the day-to-day parenting heavy work. The Mr and I freely exchange nearly all household chores - with the exception of laundry for me, and since he's the contractor he does the household renovations. And he is way, way, WAY better with the kids than I am.
Yes I have heard of the ERA, and all that went down with it, I wish it had passed. And though I don't agree with the draft at all, I figure if you're going to draft, draft all abled bodied, that means including women. But I know that's just not the normal view.
Some of the women I dated in years past would not find any problem saying something along the lines of, "My goal is to find a nice man who can take good care of me." That clashes with my whole perspective of men and women being equals. Women seem to have no problem saying that around men but let a man say that around women.
Yeah, I cringe when I hear women say that. For one, they know not how badly that can bite them in the butt, and for two, um, staying home with the kids is not exactly a picnic! Also, truly, some men are better at parenting, that's just how it is. Well, from my perspective- it would be nice if more dads could stay at home. I'm all for that. I never understood the stay-at-home-spouse (sans kids) unless there's a farm or something along those lines to take care of.
Oh well, it is the culture and I've learned to that if I need to cry, I cry alone. Got to show strength at all times, you know
I'm sorry to hear that. Man, I suppose I better hush up, because in alot of ways I'm showing my privilege here. It wasn't but a few weeks into my relationship when I first saw The Mr cry, and he me - for different reasons, and we both haven't felt the need to can up our emotinos. I'm so sorry you aren't made to feel you can show your emotions. Everyone should be able to express emotions. Plus, I patently disagree with the concept that strong means emotion-free. It's just pushed somewhere else, really.