Here is a short testimonial of a believer who was totally depressed while suffering from the virus.
my cousin has been in a medically induced coma for the last three weeks due to the coronavirus.
we just found out today that he was sent to rehab for physical therapy.
he is awake, cannot walk, and cannot talk due to damage to his vocal cords from being on a ventilator for three weeks.. my cousin has many religious friends who have posted ''get well soon'' messages on his facebook page.
Here is a short testimonial of a believer who was totally depressed while suffering from the virus.
i’m relatively new to this forum but am far from new when it comes to living life as a jw.
i wanted to throw out there my own personal experience and feelings and welcome any conversations (i’m mighty chatty and don’t have much for friends when it comes to jw’s) .
i hit the turning of an era nearly a month ago of legally becoming an adult, raised as a j dub my whole life.
Hi Justangel
Hope you have been welcomed to the forum on another thread. If not, welcome.
You clearly understand what it means to be living in a cult and coping.
You also are a caring person. You are concerned about your family and their reaction if and when they discover your true feelings. Hope you are covering your tracks well while visiting forums like this one.
Are you baptized? Is there a chance for you to further your education while still at home?
i was searching for something on the wt online library, and was struck by all the requirements a jw has in order to be "saved".. want to see a partial list?
all these found by searching for "salvation depends" on wol.
just do all 26 things, and you too can be saved!.
Biblically speaking, salvation/justification depends on knowing Father and Son.
It is the gift of God, so that no one can boast. Ro.6:23
Unfortunately, many may want to point to their wonderful works on that day, yet He will say; "I never knew you"
the pandemic has put a stop to the activities of one of the nation’s most visible religious groups, jehovah’s witnesses.. read more:
Count me as a skeptic
Wording similar to a Kingdom song book hymn perhaps?
i don't know if anybody here follows the 'goatlike personality' channel on youtube.
but he very recently did a very recent rebuttal of april 2020 jw broadcasting.
loved it.
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pandemic Comparison: Probability and Number of De…:
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
The virus, which apparently is not alive, is covered with a thin layer of fat. The best way to deal with the virus on your hands is to wash with hot soapy water. The heat melts the fat and the soap eliminates the threat....according to a study reported by John Hopkins University.
not sure if this is in the right subject but here it goes.
i’ve asked this question to a few elders and bethelites but they don’t seem to understand or like the question.
to start off we have to agree that jehovah is all powerful.
Another similar question is: Does God's absolute foreknowledge negate free will.
If God was causing your actions and reactions, then the answer of course is, "Yes".
If not, you do have at least a measure of free will.
i recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
Depends how you define success.
Last time an elder and a rank & file sister sat down with me, I explained what I could and couldn't accept as biblical. My 4 criteria
1. must have at least one scripture to support a teaching.
2. no subtractions, additions, changes in word meanings from that scripture or scriptures
3. no linking scriptures without clear grounds
4. must consider context, textual, situational and historical.
I then asked if they thought that using these criteria might help to reduce doctrinal error.
A definite maybe
I then asked if they knew the difference between exegesis and eisegesis. I gave them an example of eisegesis...putting modern names and dates into a parable.
Once eisegesis was clear I asked them to read and explain several of the primary catasstrophic verses from Revelation 8 concerning the blowing of the first of the 7 trumpets (no clue forthcoming)
Then I read from the Revelation book about Rutherford blowing the first trumpet in a speech given in Ohio in 1922 which allegedly caused this large scale destruction.
Silence, silence, silence...
Then I asked if it was possible that every doctrine that was unique to Jehovah's Witnesses was established by identical interpretive abuse. Examples include resurrection of Peter and Paul in the spring of 1918, rejection of Christendom in the fall, selection of the FDS in April of 1919 etc.
They were quiet, the elder seemingly quite humbled left unwilling to debate or even explore further examples of eisegesis with me.
I knew of course that they would never return.
I only used this strategy twice...both time JWs were unwilling or unable to respond.
Quite sad really