JoinedTopics Started by rhodesboy
The King of the North is getting Angry...
by rhodesboy inthis topic is of a theological nature.
if you have some scriptural insight, please share.
grievances are not welcome!.
Peace and Security - When?
by rhodesboy inmy interpretation of gb (governing body) theology has illuminated a fate for mankind in the near future.
i invite you to read the following extracts and my analysis thereafter- theologists only please.. 1 thessalonians 5:3.
''whenever it is that they are saying: "peace and security!
Babylon resurrected?
by rhodesboy inhere is a link to an earlier post:.
it's been some time since i last posted.
Why is the Harlot not in the lake of Fire?
by rhodesboy inwill you receive your soul as a spoil?.
18 we need to remember that what jehovah has promised as a spoil is our soul.
even if a few of hisservants perish in the persecution that may come during the great tribulation when the political horns of the wild beast turn against religion, those faithful ones will not really have lost out.
The Devil is in the Details...
by rhodesboy inyes most of you in your analysis of the 09/15 wt study our active leader today have missed a golden nugget new prophecy courtesy of the gb.. very discreet but read carefully the highlighted text:.
13 christs presence since 1914 has gone unnoticed by most of earths inhabitants.
(2 pet.