In all religion we are taught to respect a title rather then a person. We are educated to look to the meaning behind the title, and to accept that this image is the reflection seen in the men that carry the name. This thinking sounds so good when explained, but lacks so much in action. So where does true respect come from? Who should we respect?
True respect does not have a title like elder, priest, or father. These names associate to terms that have been abused and bent to cause fear, and not respect. In my life I have respected far more people without titles then I have ones that wield authority by mandate. I base respect upon.
Wisdom, and with that wisdom comes the ability to realize that their path to attaining wisdom is merely a guide to examine and not a road to follow. Wisdom that realizes there is a time to teach and a time to listen.
Honor, in that they honor themselves and honor others to have views and to have their own freedoms. Also, do they honor the vast knowledge of our universe in realizing that it is far larger then any one man or organization. Realizing that knowledge is endless, and not limited to one view.
Experience, in that they have a measure of a experience in life and understand a possible outcome to certain problems and events. While also having enough experience to realize that not all outcomes are predictable and at times chaotic.
Compassion, for themselves and for others known and ones unknown. Compassion for the universe, does not mean caring for those you know and touch in your life, but also for those far away and for those not yet living. Leaving a better world for the future generations.
Education, not with college necessarily. Love for education and ability to keep learning and absorbing new ideas and concepts. A open enough mind to realize that every day is a classroom, and that the universe has multiply text books.
Trust, in that they realize the importance of a shared word and shared feeling. That they look to you with the same guidelines as they place upon themselves.
So when I respect someone and say that I value their word, it is no mere statement based on a title. I might respect a title because of what you represent, like the "President of the United States", but that does not mean I respect the man or woman. I have to get to know you first, and to learn if you are worthy of the real title that entitles, "respect."
When someone sets themselves above me and says they my leader. They instantly go through the filter of all the points I have above. If they can not come to the end, and still look like a leader. Then they are nothing more then a man with a title like "elder" or "ministerial servant". Which are titles without meaning, if you do not understand the meaning of true leadership.
How do you feel about those who are in leadership?
Just wondering