Option 1) The CHEAT will be so obvious when Kamaltoe is declared the winner. Yet, conservatives will NOT take up arms (nor Molotov cocktails) and storm major US cities (as did BLM) because they have too much to lose and they have learned that the Dems will "lock them up" just as they did innocent grandmothers on Jan 6th. They'll just accept it and hunker down financially in hopes of not going down with the economic catastrophe that is lurking. But their hunkering down will increase the collapse. The shitstorm will follow.
Option 2) The vote for Trump will indeed prove to be To Big To Rig and he will be declared the winner. But inauguration is still over 10 weeks later. Seeing the obvious, China will invade Taiwan and even worse, possibly initiate some kind of first strike against the US (perhaps a hack against the utility infrastructures vs anything militarily). The lame duck (and just lame in general) Biden administration will not risk going up against the (multi-million dollar) hand that has been feeding them and China will be allowed to overthrow Taiwan. The fallout in the US will open them to initiating Martial Law and the "peaceful transfer of power" will not happen. The Swamp will take control (as they have been all along, just now more brazenly). This too will usher in an economic catastrophe and shitstorm.
The ultimate goal is the economic collapse of the US and ending its position as the Superpower. Armageddon maybe? (Just not the one JWs preached about for 100+ years.)