Topics Started by AiAi
My Letter To the Watchtower
by AiAi inthis is an exact copy of my letter to the watchtower.
it never recieved a reply (i did not include 'attn writing committee' in the address however).
please keep in mind that when i wrote this i had just started my intensive research into their beliefs/history, and despite my agressive tone i really did expect a satisfactory answer.
Is drinking distilled water dangerous?
by Iamallcool insome say yes and some say no.
i am confused.
I need a show of hands: who believes the Bible and to what extent?
by Terry ini'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
"Top 10 Grievances Against the Bible"
by leavingwt inlady atheist.
my top ten grievances against the bible .
1. authority -- not -- it was compiled, copied, edited, codified and translated by men.
Is It okay for a Christian to join the military?
by AiAi ini recently enlisted in the army as active duty, havnt left yet, and am wondering if it is concientiously okay to do this as a christian?
keep in mind there is a good chance i will see combat.
i have already made my decision but am interested to hear others views.
LURKERS: Is JW the only true religion? Here is my personal research!
by mentallyfree31 inare jehovah's witnesses the only religion teaching the truth?.
the statement that only jehovah's witnesses are teaching the truth is an extraordinary claim.
such a claim would require extraordinary evidence.
Is there a biblical 1914?
by AiAi ini have noticed that people that hold no faith in the bible can easily find reasons not to believe it is god's word.
likewise, i have found that when one does hold faith in the bible they can continue to believe it against any contrary evidence.
the torah not being written by moses is not a big deal to some, neither are the two creation accounts in genises.
Why do you believe the bible? or not?
by AiAi inwhen i began questioning the religion i used the bible and their own statements to prove them wrong.
now, recently, i have began to realise that maybe the only reason i put any faith in the bible is because i was always raised to.. so my question is, after leaving the watchtower, what was it that made you decide the bible was worthy of belief?.
i am not asking about any continuing belief in god or disbelief, i am more conscerned about the first step (to me) right now of the bible itself.
I finally made and account...
by AiAi inhi everyone, i have checked this site out every once in awhile as i was on my way out and as i found myself coming back more and more recently i decided i should probably become a member....
The letter I promised earlier from the Society on Blood
by ldrnomo inthere are four different links on .
each link is one of the pages of the letter here are the links.
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