I used to get irritated at the phrase "support the pioneers". They said it all the time in my cong. If you weren't a pioneer, and you worked in service, you were "supporting the pioneers". What does tha mean? Was my service just a little less---secondary? Weird.
Anyway, we had a pioneer that got angry when a lot of people, WHO ACTUALLY HAD TO WORK DURING THE WEEK, AND SO, VALUED THEIR WEEKENDS, went out in early morning service, and then were done for the day. They weren't there during "normal' hours to "support the pioneers". They weren't doing door-to-door. No, they had actually chosen a method where they had to talk to people. But she argued that door-to-door should be the PRIMARY method, and all the other ways should be in addition to. She constantly criticized those ones until she influenced the elders to actually give a local needs talk about it!
It was funny too, cuz you could tell the elder giving the talk was not comfortable. He just sort of weakly encouraged people to get out door-to-door during normal hours, but he never stated anything firmly.
Needless to say, she also hated other alternate forms of witnessing that didn't "support the pioneers."
Car groups were an excellent time to counsel younger sisters on their hair, their grammer, their diet...whatever. But they were also a lot of fun at times. I remember many mornings being out with a great group and laughing and joking, and having a great time. Then we'd get to the TERRITORY, and that really sucked. So, we'd chat at the doors, and if a householder actually answered, it always felt like an imposition. LOL I loved when someone had a super long return visit, and I could sit in the car with friends and just enjoy myself, and STILL get to count time. I loved very long breaks. It was as though, the actual work of the ministry got in the way.
So there were good times, bad times, and neutral times. It just depended on who you were stuck with. I hated getting stuck with families with kids, cuz I was single, and the focus would be so family oriented, it just bored me. I hated gettting stuck with one crazy sister who always found a way to lose patience and yell at me (and others), and then if I called her on it, she'd freaking cry. And cuz everyone was watching, I would have to pretend to forgive her, and comfort HER after she had yelled at ME. It was endless...