adam was supposed choose his love for god over his love for the woman. he failed. he cared so much for his companion that he took the fall so she wouldn't be punished alone. he was emotional, not logical.
however, if we remember the abraham/issac sacrifice story, god will test you right up to the limit, and he will reward the faithful.
abraham could have pulled an adam and disobeyed the command given to sacrifice issac. he loved his son, but he loved his god more. he was logical, not emotional.
potentially, if adam would have ratted out eve immediatly when she came up to him in fallen form, he might have been blessed big time. and that would have been an inheritance to us. instead of this world....
so because the first prototype didn't pass the test, we all get to see what happens when we don't listen to god's orders. adam listened to eve who listened to satan. adam didn't listen to god.
so personally i am disappointed that adam failed, but honestly I have listened to a womans voice i loved and disobeyed god, so i am no better.
that's the problem with emotion. you don't do what you should. and it usually bites you in the ass.
"The First Gospel of Adam and Eve" and "The Second Gospel of Adam and Eve" are a must read if you wish to contemplate this issue fully.
as well as "The Book of Jasher". and the Quran. and Enochs books. and Noah's writings.
don't just go by genesis. you'll fail the test if you don't study all the information available. so many people get stumped by their own personal bible. they should take other translations into account to help clear things up. and other bibles have other books in them, so that means you should read all the books to gain perspective.
all are available on the internet. is a great site.