I'm so sick of JWs and their "dates". Leave that s**t alone!
Buy some stock, listed on NASDAC, if you are intersted in owning a piece of the WTBS.
my association with the jws began in the late 1950's.
i participated in the pre-1975 hysteria just as i was instructed to do.
i knew people who sold their businesses and homes and calculated just how much they could spend each month to support themselves in the full-time ministry until their liberation date of october 1975.. (after all, you wouldn't want to run out of money in august 1975 - what would you do for two months?).
I'm so sick of JWs and their "dates". Leave that s**t alone!
Buy some stock, listed on NASDAC, if you are intersted in owning a piece of the WTBS.
jesus or jehovah?.
jehovah often provided materially for his people through the spoils of war.. jesus, on the other hand, seemed to promote being carefree and non-materialistic.. .
jesus said he and the father were of one accord, but even so, he was kicked out of the synagogues.. .
Its not really a change in personality, its more of "I'm sick of your crap and destruction, you rotten humans". "I tried to show you how to behave to please my dad but you just refuse to listen."
Mankind was shown a better and more peaceful way ... but we just kill and kill ... subjugate and kill some more. Pollute and kill. Certain types of folks ( the ones that like to kill) just have to go if there were to ever be a real peace on this crazy planet.
Notice how he became hostile with the money changers inside the Temple? Notice the temple was split at its foundation at his death? Notice how Israelis today do not have the Arc or a Temple?
My opinion, of course.
jesus or jehovah?.
jehovah often provided materially for his people through the spoils of war.. jesus, on the other hand, seemed to promote being carefree and non-materialistic.. .
jesus said he and the father were of one accord, but even so, he was kicked out of the synagogues.. .
Jesus cursed that tree for not giving some shade and the tree died.
No they are not the same person, IMO. Its about judgement and righteousness, according to the Bible.
It is the Day of Jah's vindication but Jesus (along with the angels) is the one who comes to exact justice on Jah's behalf, he is the one with the sharp sword in his mouth. The Son of Man...King of Kings. He is the Lamb who is found fit to open the scroll. He leads the battle with the troops (the angels).
It would be like your son avenging your good name but only on the people who spoil it.
He's coming to exact righteous indignation, according to scripture. He & the angels are going to KILL wicked mankind for the sake of good mankind. He's going to destroy the enemies of his Father. (They call for the birds in the book of Rev to come feast on the bodies.)
I'm missing why you do not understand this.
Rev is quite clear about who is who and who is doing what; people have their chance to do right or wrong.
matthew 16:28.
"i tell you with certainty, some people standing here will not experience death before they see the son of man coming in his kingdom.".
mark 9:1. then he said to them, "i tell you with certainty, some people standing here will not experience death until they see the kingdom of god arrive with power.".
So, "some people" really meant just John?
No, that's the reason for "etc" in my post.
matthew 16:28.
"i tell you with certainty, some people standing here will not experience death before they see the son of man coming in his kingdom.".
mark 9:1. then he said to them, "i tell you with certainty, some people standing here will not experience death until they see the kingdom of god arrive with power.".
John "saw the actual Kingdom of God" when he was given the Revelation, etc.
Pentacost was him sending "the helper" or "holy spirit" on those chosen. His second coming, according to the bible, will be quite visible to everyone.
jesus or jehovah?.
jehovah often provided materially for his people through the spoils of war.. jesus, on the other hand, seemed to promote being carefree and non-materialistic.. .
jesus said he and the father were of one accord, but even so, he was kicked out of the synagogues.. .
"I choose to do the will of my father." I'm certain you can find this one.
You could also read Matt. 20 and its equivalents.
He was supposed to die and he knew it. He had a choice, just like Satan and everyone else. He knew the Roman guards were coming for him, yet he CHOSE to stay put knowing full well what was going to happen.
The OT God is similar. Patient, loving, etc. I don't see a cruel God. However, I saw a bunch of whiny ungrateful people. The problem is the Israelites were rotten as all hell and they wanted humans for rulers. They kept being carried off into captivity for a reason.
Sure he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ... He did so at the request of the nations surrounding that area .. there wern't any Israelites back then.
You do realize that when Jesus returns according to the Bible he's coming to kill the wicked, don't you? The scroll John ate was bitterweet for a reason ... he's coming to KILL. You can read Matt-Rev for that info. Never mistake his kindness for weakness.
i was cleaning off a book shelf and saw a copy of examining the scriptures daily for 2005. was about to throw it away, but opened it, and this is what popped up for 6-11.... i remember discussing this about 5 years ago on the forum after the wt article of 12/15/03, but it still amazes me.
it's obvious that the society was hinting that the end would have to come by 2034, 120 years from 1914... "only 120 years more and jehovah would bring "the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.
" (gen. 6:17) when noah was informed, he wisely used the time to prepare for survival.
Its simply part of the general scare tactics.
JWs are some of the most fearful people I know, aside from people with diagnosed phobias.
They're so scared of everything (promoted by the Org) that one has to wonder what is living even supposed to be about, constant fear? Its unhealthy.
i still get copies of all the kms and mags - just for a giggle really.
oh and to look out for noo light of course!.
i was browsing thru the march 15 2009 yesterday and came across something that was noo to me.
Astrology and Numerology = Divination. Last time I checked, divination was detestable to God.
Sure "Generation of 1914" will see Armageddon, er some of them, okay let's just omit that part ... Jesus "invisible" Presense in "1914"... and it took him 5 years to find drunken Rutherford in "1919" .... yeah, sure. No one can see the "invisible" and no one claims God talks to them. Then the Patriarchs were coming back in 1925, so let's build them a million dollar home in the US 'cause they'll certainly want to live there and not Israel.
Always wrong, always guessing with dates, times, and signs from the moon. Moonbats!
I have no idea why the WTBS insists on practicing its divination. They don't know any more than my dog on the subject. They simply made up "Jesus' invisible presense". Purely a JW construct with no scriptural support.
If we spit in the air enough, something is bound to fall in our faces.
shoot. How come the Late Great JC can have a beard, but today's sheeple can't?
'Cause JWs are still stuck on that 1950s "All-American" boy-next-door look. This works great in "business" environment. It is a publishing company, after all, and the meetings are conducted like business seminars.
why is pharaoh's (or rather pharaohs', as there were more than one) not given in the book of genesis?.
did the writer (or compiler) of the book have something to gain by not being precise as to the idientity of pharaoh?.
Ancient Egyptians would never record such a loss. They'd sooner scratch that Pharoah's image and name off all the walls. Their walls spell out their victories, not losses and failures.
Why Pharoah (in actual name) is not identified by the alleged victors in their writings (Exodus) is a mystery.