JoinedTopics Started by fade_away
Crazy theories and tough questions asked by a kid
by fade_away insorry for the lengthy thread, i've spent too many years preparing talks.
i can't help it.
i had so many questions as a kid when my dad read me "my book of bible stories".
Anyone here have any experience with the "super-natural"?
by Knowsnothing inand if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
JWs and Infant Weddings - Marry as young as legally possible
by doubtful init sickens me to hear the venemous propoganda against the evils of higher education.
they talk so much about how it consumes valuable time during one's youth - how it takes away time from pursuing spiritual goals like pioneer service, missionary service, mts, bethel, etc..that's one of their biggest talking points in their argument against a college education.
their other point is that we shouldn't be preparing for a long stay in this system, so why the need to prepare for a lucrative and satisfying career by attending college for 4 years, when time is running out, and the big a is literally right around the corner...it shows a lack of faith in jah's promises and a materialistic attitude..etc.. yet..they never say anything about the countless thousands of teenage or near-teenage weddings!
Discussion Topic God's Sudden Personality Change as Seen in the Bible
by charlie brown jr. inok i'm sure this has been talked to death... but since we have a thread saying we're missing a good debate here we go..... when the bible meant something to me way back when .....even then i pondered.... god starts off as this vengeful being..."listen to me or i'll lay your soul to waste".
to his enemies ....keep your distance or you will feel the wrath of yahweh or if i want what you have ....best leave now unless any of you men wanna die.
then overnight.. he is patient, loving, kind, his son says love they neighbor.
What drove you? Love or Fear?
by fade_away inthis has probably been discussed here before, but i'm new so sue me.. i think the religion of jehovah's witnesses has been an amazing but tragic social experiment proving that the mind is most vulnerable to brainwashing when it's in an unhealthy state.
it seems to attract the bipolar, schizophrenic, depressive, and the paranoid.
it preys on negative emotions like sorrow and fear.
Your wedding day belongs to the elders
by fade_away ingetting married means you get your own special day.
a day where the couple getting married gets to call the shots and decide who is gonna be invited, who is gonna be the maid of honor, who is gonna be the best man, how you want everything to look and what music you want to play.....unless of course you're a j-dub.. i got married last year, and no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't decide anything on that day.
i have an amazing friend who has always been there for me and my family.
The classic features of a JW wedding are:
by highdose infirstly a wedding/sales talk that mostly features heavily on how the woman should behave (hint, doormat) and lightly brushes over the fact of the husbands bevhaviour ( oh yeah he should treat her well).
the reception normaly at some crummy comunity hall with yellowed ceilings and chucks of damp plaster falling off the walls.
the seats normaly arranged facing eachother all around the edge, so that theres a huge unused space in the middle and everyone is climbing over everyone elses legs to get to their chair.. a big spread donated by everyone, normaly an ode to food poisoning.
What was your most embarassing WTF experience with a fanatical witness??
by Reality79 inwe've all known those fanatical witnesses who are guilty of pdf (public display of faith) and always have to make a big song and dance to the whole world and let everyone and their dog know they're a faithful witness of jay hoover!.
1) when my mother first came in 'da troooof' this wacky, over zealous 'sister' was studying with her - you know the type.
this woman was one of those not so subtle individuals who would always talk loud in conversation and say the name jehovah a million times even when the conversation could have been about basketball.
Epic drama is imminent
by fade_away insoap opera style drama unfolds at the smallest irrelevant actions a j-dub takes.
for example, just last year when i was still in, my soon-to-be wife fiance and i decided to start sitting together at the meetings.
we figured "we might as well, since we're about to marry".
Finally out!
by fade_away ini've been loggin in to this site for about 3 or 4 months on an almost daily basis.
i decided to finally make an account cause i just have to vent and connect with those who have been in my shoes.
"worldly" people don't understand completely when i talk to them about the hardship of being born into a religion/cult, growing up with people making decisions for me, and having them choose my future, goals, and dreams; all the while sacrificing normal childhood joys and replacing them with study, service hours, and 5 minute talks.