I thought of another idea if you decide agaisnt the clown attire. Go to an old thrift shop and buy an outrageus polyester suit,, the kind with big white stitching , the cheaper the suit the better. You know the kind from back in the 70's , find a bright orange or green one. You can even find a wig that would look more "natural", but still just as hideous if not worse. Like one with big tall hair,John Travolta in his disco days, even a small but tasteful 70's afro. You could even take your old pink song book and green bible....
JoinedPosts by LyinEyes
by D8TA inhello watchtower monitors and people of the board....here's the game.. somewhere, in the united states, there is going to be an apostate showing up at one of your district assemblies, he will be sporting a rainbow wig and a john 3:16 sign.
inside the convention.. now now, before apologists and dissents come my way.....i got a protest permit to be on said premis, and also, once i wear the wig and show the sign....as soon as they tell me to leave, i will comply...therefore i cant go to jail(saaay all you want, i already have an "ace up the sleeve" on this, so guess what?
you're wrong if you even think otherwise hehheheheheh).
Have you out-grown playing pranks?
by noidea inmy daughter was on my pc and i was still signed into my im.
i was trying to take a nap.
anyway, a fellow member of this board ..who shall remain nameless signed in on im and my daughter told them i was napping, this then made me a prime target for a prank..
No , never too old to play. My hub and his buds/co workers were working on a car, that was used to trasport blood donations. It had the blood center sign on the door and even inside many leflets on the importance of donating blood and how and who could do it. The guys we were working with( I was just hanging round , not working,) some JW's and some were not, but familiar with the jw stand on blood. In the back of this car they were working on, was a cooler used to keep the blood samples ,also there were empty vials for the samples , with new stickers to identify who the sample belong too. We decided to pour some red car paint, a good color for blood, into one of the vials, and lable it HIV Positve,, Bioharzard.... , We called a Min Servant and his wife over to show them , the "contaminated blood" vial and they freaked out.. Told us dont even touch it , we might get a diesease or something,,, well one of the guys, took the vial top off and the sister of the mins servant almost jumped way back to get away from it. He then preceeded to say ,, it's just blood,, and put his finger to it and tasted it.. the sister almost passed out.... she thought he didnt read what the vial had said. It was almost to evil to do to someone...... but their fear of blood was terrifing to see.. I can tell you so much more wild turkey has been involved in: lighting dog turds on someones car they were working on( no smell i have ever smelled as bad), putting the water hose on full blast, thru a cut out hole in the wall, in the shop bathroom, just as someone sits down. Replacing coke, with coffee, tabasco sauce, soy sauce, salt, and whiskey, then putting it back in fridge and waiting patiently for someone to drink it. Too many to even remember them all.
Bill Bowen, just sent you email.. please read
by LyinEyes inbrother bill, i just sent you an email.
my husband is wild turkey in the chat room.
i hope the email went thru to you.
Brother Bill, I just sent you an email. My husband is Wild Turkey in the chat room. I hope the email went thru to you. I am just learning how to do all of these things with the computer. If it did not go thru please let me know. .. my email is [email protected]
There has been alot of talk about families not speaking to you for the choices you make when leaving the JW. Well, that is exactly what has happened to my father in law today. My hubby's brother told him to make a choice , stay a jw or eles! This broke my father in laws heart. I am truly afraid he will end up back in the hospital because he has heart and high blood pressure problems. And when he gets upset it will set it off. My father in law told him to never call his house again....how sad.... what kind of people are the JW to tell an aging parent these things. All I can think is how brainwashed they must be ,, I can see I was ,, but at the time I too, did not. My father in law has had a few close calls and put in the hospital several times. This is a good man, he would never turn his back on anyone in need , and his children are his pride,, it wasnt my fatherinlaws choice , but that of my brother in law on making him choose. I hope to bring my parents in law to see some of you good people when we go to Dallas in August, as they are older and have no friends , since giving all their young years to JW. They really need the support now .
Edited by - LyinEyes on 10 June 2002 14:31:4
Been here a year...(ramblings)
by Cowboy inyep,one year ago tonight i first posted here.i had lurked for a few weeks,never intending to post,but a particular thread hit so close to home for me,that i felt like i had to voice my opinion.of course,i was promptly slammed as being a troll,but i was stubborn enough to hang around.here i am still hanging,a whole year later.
i've maybe learned more in this past year than in the ten before it all put together.i've learned a whole lot about myself-about who i am,and why.i've learned about the organization that shaped my life and my family.originally i was shocked by alot of what i read here,and wasn't sure whether or not to believe it all.but looking back,knowing what i do now explains an awful lot of things.
i've learned lot's about people,too.like many who were raised jw,i led a very sheltered childhood(even more so living in the country,going to a small school).i'm still not sure if this is a real cross section of life,but i think it's pretty close.i'm happy to say that i've made lot's of friends here,some very good ones.though i've had my share of disagreements,i don't consider anyone here an enemy.
Wild Turkey and I are sure glad you did stay around. You have been such a good friend and we always look forward to your name popping up in the chat room. Most of the time you are there first LOL ,, and you always greet with such warmth. It is our anniversary too this month, it was June of last year that we steppped out of our last kingdom hall. It was for a wedding of his nephew. I often thought of going back , I was so afraid I was being mislead or had finally lost my mind. Ok that last statement is still open for debate!!!! Coming to this room has been the sole tool in my recovery from the WTBS and I owe my life and my current happiness to what I have learned in here and the friends I have made. I finally found a place I fit in, and have found what true brothers and sisters really are. And you cowboy are a wonderful person and Wild Turkey and I are hoping to meet you face to face very soon. Sincerely Your Apostate Sister, Dede
Lewis def. Tyson by KO in 8th round
by LDH inif you don't have hbo or ppv you might wanna know.. that is one brutal sport.
tyson was bleeding from eyes, nose and mouth.. ugh.. lisa
Hubby and I were at the dance club last nite, I went up to all the ones who came in later to find out
about the fight. Finally my hubby told me Lewis won, and I was jumping all around as if the Dallas
Cowboys won the superbowl. I was so glad mike got his butt whooped, he has no class .
In my opionion, I have to say I do not think that Mike Tyson raped that girl, it seemed like a set up
me. I mean I wouldnt go to a motel room ALONE with someone like that, she didnt know him,
she only knew of his reputation. That should have been enough to tell her to stay away. So that
makes me wonder if infact she did know , by his reputation as a thug, that she could get away with
accusing him of rape.
What do you do for fun?
by WildTurkey inwhat do you like to do for fun?
lyineyes, and i love to dance at our favorite night club.
oh by the way, i want to know what kind of entertainment you enjoy with your jeans up.
Wild Turkey and I like to sit outside , watch the kids jump on the trampoline , smoke a cigar , drink a few beers or pinas,while bad mouthing WTBS.
I like to read a good book.
Go to see movies.
I love to write in my journal.
I love taking pictures and putting them all over the house.
I to listen to music and sing(in private).
Dance , of course.
I love chatting late at night with all the other pagans.
I like to cook and I love to eat,, southern food of course.
God, and I love a good nights sleep,, now that is entertainment. -
One Final Thing
by Hyghlandyr injust a final word, and i had to say this because, heck well, it just had to be said..... and i've said it before but now i have proof..... flower is a damned goddess yo!.
had the opportunity to meet her when i went for a screening for a study yesterday....dayum!.....
her photo doesnt do her justice.
Sorry about the black mood , Hygh. I had a feeling that was what
was going on. I hadnt seen you lately and wondered what happened.
The vigil was probably a trigger to it. Hope you are starting to
see the light behind the black cloud. Take care. -
To stay or leave....
by Dawn init probably sounds crazy to post this on a forum where "alias" individuals will respond - but i really would like to hear from some of you who may have been in this situation before.. i'm at a cross roads in my marriage and need to decide whether to stay or leave.. long story short:.
hubby is basically a good man - good father, but i am not happy.
i have not been for a long time now.
I just have to reply to Francois, hope I spelled that right. What a
wonderful and moving expression about your daughter when she was young. You should tell her that. Word for word. Maybe you already have. Every little girl (boy too) needs to know that even if the marriage didnt work , they are so loved. I mean , kids are smart they know when things are not right. But it would mean the world to me if my Dad would say that to me right now. I am 35 yrs old and my parents split when i was 17. Very painful. The past is the past. But
it helps to know if you could do things differently you would.
Again wonderful expression of a father's love , brought tears to my eyes. -
Talking to the dead
by Kep inas the borg hammered us into thinking that anyone who had contact with the dead were in fact speaking to the demons, however, now we know that a lot of their teachings are full of sh*t.. i lost my dad at the start of this year.
a couple of months later i bump into a close friend who has known dad for many years.. this guy was stoked that he was getting married and mentioned how it was a shame dad wasn't around for the wedding.. yesterday i called in to see him and he told me something that had happened to him.. he was talking to his sister, who lives in another town, and she is active in some spiritual group.
she said she had never met jack, my dad, but that she has been talking to him and that he had a message he wanted given to this friend, her brother.. dad wanted him to get out of this relationship fast.. he never took it seriously and carried on as usual.. not long after that, this fiancee of his smashed up his 4x4, was on a restricted drivers licence and spent the money he gave her for his hire purchases.. so, his truck is wrecked, he can't claim insurance to get it repaired, he still has to pay it off, a lot of his possessions have been repo-ed and that basically he is in sh*t street without a shovel.. do you think it was a message from my dad ??.
Interesting Kep. I am trying to be opened minded myself on this.
I was raised JW, taught dead are dead, ghost are demons. Now I have
no idea what to beleive. My mom 99%in my mind did commit suicide.
But there are questions about her death no one knows, just physical evidence. Even the police admitted some things didnt add up, her hub of only 4 months story for one. But she did drown. But the question that will never be answered for me, is for sure did she do it on her own , or did someone eles have something to do with it. I even wondered if her hub at the time at least saw her do it ????
I have prayed for Jehovah to tell me what happened or give me peace on it... that was 16 yrs ago... I have never felt like he gave me any answers. I still try to watch for signs,,,, so far the only thing I can almost wonder about is in my dreams. Many of my dreams are conversations and comfort from her,,, but not really any answers
to how she died. I wonder if she is trying to tell me something,,,but because of my lack of faith in God and any beleif
that is why I dont see it. Just a thought. I would love to think shewas in heaven , happy but I still have trouble beleiving that is where we go when we die. When she died I very much beleived the JW way and was very active. Three days after she died, i dreamed she came to me,, I could smell her perfume and final net hairspray. She told me she would stay with me for a couple of days until I could handle what had happened. And she just held me and didnt say much after that. I woke up so , so sad,, I wanted her back. But in the dream she said she couldnt stay very long. This was totally against all I was raised to beleive and thought it was demons playing with my mind. I have never felt her presence like I did at that time. I wonder if she did come to hold my hand afterall. God , I wish she would let me know!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I should open my eyes.... -
Top 10 ways to get rid of Dubs at the door
by absolutelynoone in10. when they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
9. answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
Just hang a do not disturb sign on your door that read, Shhhhhh
Do not knock , please go away , I am trying to sleep off a hangover.
Don't return tomorrow either,, I plan on sleeping off another one.
Thanks for you cooperation .