I agree totally word for word with Spaz. Give yourself some time and heal. Writing down your feelings is a great way to see yourself as you really are. It is good to go back and read your journal entries again, as the days go by. You may not realize it each day, but you could be making progress and not see it , but by going back you can see positive changes. Or it could be negative changes, in that case it can help you to see how much you really do need professional help, if you are not already doing so. Coming out of a serious depression takes time, there are backsliding days , but dont give up, you will see the sun again. If you are already taking antidepressants , maybe that one is not working for you. Medicine affects everyone differently.
In my own case of depression, I could not even think clearly. I could not find my way out of the black hole , I was tired and out of hope. I was not only mentally burnt out , I was a physical wreck too. I know I really benefitted by taking the medicine and waiting for it to work, which is a pain, but cant be helped. In the meantime , like said before , give yourself a break, be good to yourself. Even if you have to force yourself out of the house, treat yourself to something you once enjoyed.
You have people here who really care about you, we are glad you have join this forum. I found that it helped me in more ways than I can even say. There are certain people that you just connect with and that makes you feel good about yourself.
Most of us are not trained doctors to be giving medical advice, but we can give you suggestions as a friend would. We can give you our stories and what we have been thru.This is a group of the most caring people I have ever met in my life. Everyone wants to help you, because they truly care and many have and are going thru the same thing. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling, we will all be thinking of you and wishing you well very soon. :)