This post is along the lines of something I was thinking about yesterday, why did I stay in the WT for so long?
I was raised in the borg, and never looked into any other religion. Never watched a tv program that had a bad word to say about the WT , and walked away from relatives speaking against my God. I totally equated Jehovah God with the Organization, it was one in the same for me. Growing up this way , you have only the WT as your whole life. There is nothing outside of it.
I searched my mind yesterday to try and remember why I so strongly beleived that it was God's organization. One thing I can think of from very early childhood has to do with some kind of mind control issue. We as JW children were taught that praying to Jehovah and asking the right things in accordance to his will, would get us results. And WOW,,, sometimes it really seemed like Jehovah himself was listening to you, like your sick mom gets better after you pray all nite; you suddenly feel this overwhelming courage to stand in front of the class and explain why you don't celebrate Xmas. I did this and I felt a warm surge of what I was sure was God's holy spirit, how eles could I have stood in front of all and tell how I knew I was right. What about being so afraid to give your #3 talk on stage and praying for help, and all of a sudden you feel calm? I hope I am explaining what I am talking about here,,,,, an actual feeling ,, thinking you literally have God's holy spirit. Of course I know now that , that was simply mind over matter, we were told we could stand those test with God's power and we did. So each time this happened we were so sure it was another testimony to God's power and how interested he was in each of us. It seemed to build our faith in him and therefore the WTBS. As a child you can not underestimate the power of seeing is beleiving, you are told what to look for by a mind control organization and you see it. It takes many years to learn and to see it for what it really was. I have been out a year and I still have days , I doubt myself, like I am still programmed to self destruct if I stray away from what I was programmed to do. I think it is especially hard on those who also come from homes where there was child abuse. Honestly being raised a JW is in itself child abuse , IMO, but that is another topic. I think that is why I was so depressed and physically sick as an adult while in the borg. There were things deep in my conscience that I knew JW's were wrong about, not just their rules , but teachings . But I realized that I didnt want to know on a conscience level what was really going on. I felt I had too much to lose. I am glad that I took the chance to test my faith,,,,,,,,,, it didnt hold up. And now I am free.
But I can understand the power it has on many that are still in,,, they choose to be blinded, maybe not even in a conscience way. For many it is such a comfort zone, and how many times while you were in did you hear......... but where eles would we go?????????? I am not sure were my road will take me,,,,,,,,, or were I will end up, I just hope I never fall into another cult. I still fear my weakness in that area, maybe in time I will come to terms with that. I think I have come along way in just a year.