Great question: Are they really that smart? You have to remember that JW are not alone. Plenty of other cults, sects and religions operate in a similar way. Pyramid selling works like the WTS e.g. Amway (only there are no rewards with the WTS just promised rewards). Also communism, especially at the time of the Cultural Revolution in China was very like the WTS of today. I'm no academic but it seems that we (mankind) have a great ability for self delusion.
I don't think they know they are wrong. They have slowly evolved into the mess they are today. If you look at it closely it's a sham from woe to go. But its addictive power is formidable. Unlike you, I can find nothing right about them at all. Yet when I talk to JWs I can see how their mind takes them down certain channels where it all comes out looking right to them.
Also people with a religious addiction don't process information in the same way as normal people do. They start with the premiss of sole truth and work backwards. We start with the information and work forwards. Different end result.
Big welcome. Your mind will be valuable here.