Thanks Marilyn, thanks everyone, for the contributions to this thread - this has really made me think about how I feel right now, and how I might feel when I take the plunge.
What I find difficult to comprehend now though, are the thoughts of a person who at one time was unhappy in their life, and was attracted to "the truth" and made a deliberate and conscious decision to become a Jehovah's Witness. After some time this same person decides that it isn't the truth after all and resolves to leave. They know what it's like out of the org - but do they think in a different way post JW to how they thought pre-JW?
You see I was born to witness parents and was indoctrinated into the faith. I thought it was the truth, because I knew nothing else. I remember thinking when I was a child "What are the chances of me being born in the right religion? Quite low! ...goodness, aren't I fortunate little boy!"