Ooh! Its the book my dad warned me about when I was little! Get behind me Satan!!
Posts by Matty
by Yadira Angelini ini read many comments on this board about the similarities the wt has with the catholic church.
how come the catholic church and not other?.
would satan mimic a church which wouldn't be the one christ found and die for?.
Yadira, thank you for your post. I am always interested as to why there seems to be an inordinate amount of ex-Catholics in the JW religion. Everything that is wrong about the Catholic church seems to be wrong in the JW religion too, so what do dissatisfied Catholics see in the dubs?
Should Amnesty Int'l be Informed?
by metatron inamnesty int'l, along with other human rights groups, are frequently.
called upon to defend jehovah's witnesses.
for example, a witness.
I joined Amnesty International when I was 13 and am still a member now. When I joined at first it was a way of specifically helping "my brothers", but since then I have been a more active member in helping other causes within the group. They have done more for me to make me a better person than the dubs ever have, when I work for them I feel much happier and self-fulfilled than I do when I go out on the ministry!
Don't blame the witnesses ,its just our brains
by sleepy indon't blame the witnesses ,its just our brains that make us believe cookoo things.. yes thats right , its our brains that are faulty.. look if you feed the wrong info into a computer it won't do what you want it to.. if you feed the wrong info into a human , then just like a computer it can only follow its commands.. so the brain is limited in how it thinks by what it knows.. well actually its more complicated than this.. but i think, who wants to be a slave to a false organisation?.
no one.people are just miss informed.. so when someone shuns us or does something else silly i think its just like my computer crashing, their brains are just having a crisis.. yes i do get angry , but humans are slaves to their minds which are slaves to the information it takes in.
The analogy between computers and people is a strong one. I often compare Microsoft to the GB.
I’ve had the Works for too long, just stared at the JW blue screen of death for the last time, and I’m now trying to install the Linux of love.
A Good Read - "Held By The Watchtower"
by stevieb1 ini've just purchased a little known but quit recent (1998) book by an ex-witness in the uk called susan thorne.
it's full title is held by the watch tower - set free by christ.
believe me, the insights provided on the day-to-day life of jw's as found in this book are eye-opening.
Couldn't see it on amazon.com, but it is available on amazon.co.uk.
Here's the link:
Cain and Abel - The TRUE Story
by Dutchie inits interesting that in the book of genesis we are introduced to cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land.
when he made offerings to jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.
we are also introduced to his brother abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep.
This is a brilliant thread; it’s something that has been nagging at the back of my mind all my life! After the flood of Noah’s day, God set out a change from the vegetarian diet that he had outlined for animals and humans in the Garden of Eden. Jehovah said: “Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—you must not eat.” (Genesis 9:3-4)
So up to Noah’s day killing anything should have been considered wrong. Why would a loving God create something to be killed in cold blood? We are always told by the GB that in the new system we will all have to become vegetarian, and that Jehovah has just “allowed” the eating of meat, in the same way that he “allowed” polygamy, i.e it wasn’t his original intention. So why did God think that it was OK for Abel to kill an animal? Abel had never seen any creature, either in the animal world, or in his family, kill or be killed before?!
Silliest thing that Witnesses told you was wrong?
by gilwarrior inthere are two things.
in the early and mid 80s there were witnesses saying that the cartoon characters the smurfs were not acceptable for witnesses.
i had two smurf cartoon books and my mother made me throw them away.
I’m glad someone woke this thread up – it’s given me a laugh! My dad still won't let us watch Randall and Hopkirk deceased! Both the one from the 60's and even the recent one with the brilliant Reeves & Mortimer.
One that I’m quite happy about though – you won’t see gnomes in JWs gardens – they are supposed to be little devils or something!
We thank you Jehovah
by ballistic inwhen the new song book "sing praises to jehovah" was introduced from the great publishing company in 1984, it was clearly and frankly admitted (suprisingly) that some of the old songs had to be dropped due to the fact they were copied from other religions and some even infringed copyright in this regard.
however, from an early age "we thank you jehovah" had always reminded me of "god save the queen" and this song was not dropped and continues to be regularly used down to this day.. i realise in later life that the two songs are indeed similar in a musical sense.
you can almost play one song on top of the other in places and the starting chord structure is identical.. also, the two songs both seem to have a certain feeling of reverence which i am not sure is conjured up by the timing and the harmony alone or by the meaning the songs have in terms of their lyrics and use.. it turns out the british tune has been used many times over by different people and even by other countries, as european visitors to britain in the eighteenth century noticed the advantage of a country possessing such a recognised musical symbol - including germany, russia, switzerland and america (where use of the tune continued after independence).
Song 13, Christian Dedication - AKA When Irish eyes are smiling
by bchapp into anybody who cares, i have an announcement to make.
after reviewing all the great information on the internet and on this board, and with much praying and bible reading, i have made up my mind to stop studying.
i have written a letter to the sister i have been studying with explaining why (cowardly, i know but that's kinda the way i am)i have packed up all the books i've been given (what to do with them?
anybody who cares? We all do, and just think of it as a lucky escape. You haven’t been involved long enough to make such strong ties – the longer you leave it the bigger the wrench.
A big cyberhug from me ((((bchapp))))
When JW's Can't Pigeon Hole A Situation....
by Englishman in......it puts them into a state of disequilibrium.. take, for example, the case of someone who has been disfellowshipped from the organisation.
heads will nod knowingly and wisely if that person should:.
do drugs.. become alcoholic.. become promiscuous.. such is the price paid for someone who "turns his back on jehovah".
At least I would be looked back on fondly LittleToe! It's crazy that this kind of thought would even enter my mind - it just goes to show how wrapped up in this damn religion I am!
It's the old thing where every action has a defined consequence. We get those "experiences" at the convention where some brother/sister has a seemingly innocent "worldly" association, and one thing leads to another, and next thing you know they get into drugs & other unmentionable depravity as they dissapear into the gutter. We are all consequently frightened into submission!