Thank you for that, I can sleep better tonight.
Welcome back Hilda
christendom teaches that there are three persons in one substance.
yet there is not three gods but one god.
what could be more unscriptural and illogical?
Thank you for that, I can sleep better tonight.
Welcome back Hilda
i heard this on the radio today, it apparantly occured in maryland.
a jw at a bus-stop got arrested while preaching to some kids.
it wasn't the preaching that got him arrested but the fact that he removed his clothes.
Is that what the Apostle Paul meant when he said to the Ephesians that we should present our sword of the spirit?
i was trying to do a little catching-up on posts this afternoon and read the thread where leander discussed his resignation as a ms as he is ending his days as a dub.
congratulations, leander!
you made the right choice!
Sometimes money is kept in the hall
Money is never kept at any hall - JWs are crazy, but they're not THAT dumb. Besides this is the literature department, not accounts. Brothers and sisters don't buy literature and magazines anymore, so the respective servants don't handle any money!
ok, off topic, but i'm disgusted.. tonight, a norwegian tv documentary unveiled that during the argentinian/uk war in 1982 over las islas malvinas (the falkland islands) norwegian military intellingence tapped soviet surveillance satellites which monitored the movements of argentinian naval vessels.
this information was *probably* handed over to the uk government and led to the sinking of the argentinian naval vessel "el crucero general belgrano".
323 out of at staff of 1093 died.
Nothing shocks me about the Falklands conflict anymore. People who live in the UK basically fall into two camps – the one’s that believe Thatcher and the ones that don’t. I don’t. From the way that the Argentinians were duped by the British government into invading in the first place, to the way the Belgrano was sunk, and the way that the British media bombarded us with propaganda – and it was so perfectly timed before a general election too.
would you have become a witness if not raised as one?.
for me i would say no way.
Kristen - I agree. Can anyone emphatically say “No, never, I would never ever have become a Jehovah’s Witness if I hadn't been raised as one!”? I don’t think anyone really honestly can say that, isn’t that being a little conceited? (Duck for flames)
All I can say is that I would certainly like to think I wouldn’t fall for it! It’s a lovely fantasy in my head - being able to live my life again as a normal person, and make my own decisions about my own life. home_and_dry’s answer struck a chord. Even when I was a staunch witness, I wished I had never learnt the troof, and never had been confronted with the decision to accept it or not. That way I would get through Armageddon, and learn it all afterward, safe in the knowledge that there was no doubts about the validity of the bible’s message!!
this is goodbye from me folks!.
my son keeps taunting me saying are you on that jo bo site again.
it is true, i have spent too much time here, staring into the computer screen waiting for a revelation or something to catch my interest or imagination.. when i think about all that time and all those years spent as a watchtower slave, well it does leave you empty and with time on your hands dont it?.
radar, dohhh... never say never!
But, if it's what you have to do, then fair enough, but I can't let you go without thanking you for all your astute postings. You've made a difference - and that's what really matters.
well last night finally did it for me.. i was over at stephanie's house, just as friends, and i was on the net while she was doing homework and was in the chat room and she got on the phone.
it sounded like it was mandy.
ooh my god did i freak.
(((Katie))), you do think the pain is never going to go away? It takes time but you will cope, I know you will…you don’t believe me do you?
I know this sounds crazy, but you are lucky you feel this way. Lucky?!!! Matt has gone nuts!? Yes, lucky, because lots of people live in a vacuum, they have no empathy, they have no strong feelings, they have no passion, or even compassion. They live their life in a monotone void – they think they are happy but they have no idea what life is all about. With you, the lows are gut-wrenchingly, painfully, and agonizingly low. Don’t be jealous of shallow people, because there will be a time when you experience the real highs, the highs that those folks will never know. You will get there, I know it, just be patient.
Please keep in touch, there are loads of us here who have read all your posts that really care and worry deeply about you and will not be content until we see your next post.
1220 song 31 and intermission .
205 song 92.
205 song 158.
I strangely enjoy conventions - not for the talks, but the atmosphere, and being able to see my old friends. They are not the same as they used to be though - we had real conventions when I was growing up. Me and Herbert had a bragging competition about how tough conventions were in the olden days in a previous similar thread. Everything we said was true - honest!
any other past/post sufferers who can describe these symptoms related to within the jw upbringing and comparison to outside, any improvements or no?.
also anyone with any strange physical manifestations of 'strange' illnesses whilst a witness?.
plus mental states, then and now, and what do you aspire to, to enable future happiness?.
TheStar, I don't know of any good web sites about this, but I think you probably remembered this thread:
I know they already have Gulf War Syndrome as a label - but what about Watchtower War Syndrome?!
any other past/post sufferers who can describe these symptoms related to within the jw upbringing and comparison to outside, any improvements or no?.
also anyone with any strange physical manifestations of 'strange' illnesses whilst a witness?.
plus mental states, then and now, and what do you aspire to, to enable future happiness?.
Demophobia: Fear of crowds and crowded places.
It's not fear of doing demo's at the service meeting, although I have that!