This system of things...OK, I know binadub got there first but I hate it so much I just had to give it a go.
"You're doing so well"
"Missed you"
honest-hearted ones
i'm interested to know common phrases jehovah's witnesses use, but don't actually apear in the bible (even the nwt).
especially phrases most jw's would assume are in the bible.
e.g.. "paradise earth".
This system of things...OK, I know binadub got there first but I hate it so much I just had to give it a go.
"You're doing so well"
"Missed you"
honest-hearted ones
so let's say armageddon comes,do you believe that all jw's would be destroyed because jehovah knows it's a false can't be denied,for the most part,they try to live by the bible...if anybody has to be punished i would say it's the leaders...i know that god wouldn't judge a whole organization but persons what i'm trying to ask you think you're in a better position right now not for freedom but for salvation than the witnesses??
if by the time you're finished reading this post armageddon is here...would u wish that you still were a witness or are you satisfied that you've made god proud?.
somehow i get the feeling that this is a question that a lot of people have doubts about...and may even be scared to face
No, I doubt it. I think most people here don't give a moment's thought to Armageddon, which is probably fantasy anyway, and if not, well, we'll see, but I for one am not going to lose one second's sleep over it.
i am sure that some of you know my story, but in case you don't, i come fromma family of extremely zealous witnesses.
my immediate family as well as much of my extended family.
my father and brother are all elders that are used on the circuit and district level.
Freeof1914, don't take such comments as your wife's at face value. And above all, don't tell yourself that they're right.
You have a lifetime of involvement with Witnesses and your whole family background is of JW's par excellence. Of course you are going to feel adrift, and maybe directionless. However, maybe my own recent experience might still be helpful, even though I was with the Witnesses for much shorter time, and my family haven't been involved.
I decided to walk away from them just two weeks ago. We've now gone through the first phase of messages..."miss you", "are you ok?", "are you ill, can I do anything" etc. One or two have come round to see me, and they were nice because they were people with whom I could actually be friends. But they say "Satan is making you do this", "I'm concerned for you, you're just hurting yourself", "don't take it out on Jehovah", "you're turning your back on Jehovah", "you're giving Satan what he wants", etc etc etc.
Those comments seem to be a bit like your wife's comments to you. Designed to make you think there is something wrong with you, and that's because, as I see it, those who are entrenched in the oprganisation just can't see beyond it. They are conditioned and indoctrinated.
The saddest comment I've received was in face to face conversation with someone with whom I really get on. She said "But what will you do? Where will you go? There's nowhere else, is there?" That's really sad in my view, but for her, not for me. I'm out of it, walking away, no going back, and the world is open before me.
It's the same for you, much more so because this is your whole family as well as the organisation that you're leaving. But stick to your guns. Just do it. Pioneers are even more indoctrinated than the others, with their zeal and enthusiasm. Also, not knowing your wife but from experience of the ones I've got to know, they have a sense of superiority. They know that they understand more than everyone else. They can't hide that feeling, and all the ones I know exhibit it.
It's cognitive dissonance at it's finest. She's saying that to feel better about her own decision to do the opposite of you. She's losing a person who is her own voice of reason to choose the unreasonable course. To explain to herself that her "clear path" is the right one, yours has to be a path with "no direction."
I like OnTheWayOut's insight. And don't think for one moment that because you've removed yourself from the clear path the WT set out before you that it means you have none. You are not directionless. You just need some time to take stock and process what has happened, and then you'll find your own way using your own map and not be directed by the WT's satnav.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
i've thought a lot about this over the years .
bonafide's thread reminded me of this and how unethical and insensitive it was for jehovah's witnesses meetings to go on without stopping while some rank and file members were having medical emergencies right in the kingdom hall.
my experience i will never forget.. in 1983 i was among some pioneers who were giving experiences at a circuit assembly in front of a crowd of about 2,000. this 83 year old sister was standing at the microphone and when she got done with her part - she sat next to me in her chair on the stage.
I've seen it happen in church and in the Kingdom Hall. In church, an old lady in the pew in front just suddenly collapsed. I caught her from behind as she went down. Someone else called the ambulance and a nurse in the congregation came and looked after her. The paramedics, when they came, worked on her at the back of the church for about 20 minutes. All the time, the priest just went on. That old lady was eventually taken to hospital, and eventually recovered.
In the KH incident recently an elderly brother sitting near me just couldn't breathe and collapsed with pains in his chest. He was due to read the passage from the Bible on a Thursday evening. A brother, an elder on the HLC, came and looked after him, took him to the back of the KH and the paramedics were called. Same story. He too went to hospital and has partially recovered. Oh, and the meeting went on completely uninterrupted.
i don't rate his chances but interesting anyway:.
man claims church ruined his chances of playing for manchester united former semi-professional sues baptist church for 10m.
If it hadn't been for the Watchtower I would have won the lottery.
through the years i and many of my companions have seen quite a few things done by devils that are not specifically mentioned in the.
bible including things similar to this:.
i received an im from some unknown source telling me that a crystal ball was going to be delivered in our church building.
Obviously someone was winding you up. And they got you, hook, line and sinker.
claim by jehovah's witness dismissed - the irish times - tue, mar 06, 2012.
.js-kit-cc{ display: none; } .
What are the chances of one woman being able to stand up successfully against the invincible male authority of two elders?
Easy. If the universe is as the JWs say it is, you don't want any part of it. Live as you like and accept the judgment from the petty JW god.
What Sulla said on page 1. If it is the truth, Do you want to live for ever, knowing that all the really interesting people never made it through Armageddon? That the God the Witnesses serve is perfectly happy to obliterate all those who won't slavishly obey his every command?
That we were really all meant to live in blissful nakedness in the Garden of Eden and never ever, ever, EVER eat the fruit from that tree?
It's not the truth. It's bonkers, way out in la-la land.
my 8 year old has recently discovered star trek and loves it.
the other night we watched an episode "return of the archons".
whenever someone spoke differently or questioned, it was recognized that they were not one of them or "of the body".
Sounds like a very bright kid with her head screwed properly on.
She will have a bright future, along with us educated goats.
I speak as a Star Trek fan from the very beginning.
Go girl!
this is just my thought after reading over the "book study" for this week.. the apostles chose to follow christ, all of them were jewish christians.
no matter where paul and silas went, the pharisees stayed harrassing them and would not leave them alone.
spreading vicious rumors and trying to have them stopped.. jws compare themselves to the apostles who were being persecuted for going to the synagogues and drawing away other jews and proselytes.
Yup, RagingBull, I think you have it right.
YOU JWs (GB/WTBTS) are the ones that go to the extremes to cause trouble for your former members
Here's where my ignorance shows. Just what exactly do they do, and what indeed CAN they do to their former members?