Actually, if you consider what I said carefully you will see that what I wrote was correct and it is the present teaching.
What you are referring to with the CO's comment is something that I did not address in my post directly but only alluded to indirectly. I indicated that those WORTHY of resurrection would be either resurrected to life or to judgment. Those resurrected to life are primarily those that are granted (under JW belief) the positions in heaven but also a portion are those "ancient worthies" and other men and women of faith that are to serve as "princes" upon the Earth. Additionally, those with accurate knowledge of God (primarilly JWs who die before Armageddon and who die faithful) (again I apologize this is JW belief, not necessarily my own) may also be among this "class."
All others that are WORTHY of resurrection are resurrected to judgement. These primarilly are those that did not have the opportunity to gain accurate knowledge of God but who otherwise lived a life worthy of resurrection or in the least possess a "heartlike condition" that makes them worthy even if they lived a sinful life. The criminal that Jesus addressed on the Cross may or may not have lived a criminal and sinful life. (The fact is for all we know his crimes were minor or he may have even been unjustly punished by the Romans. We have only the bible account that LABELS him a criminal crucified along with Christ.) Whatever the case, he in rebuking the other criminal and by his statements obviously indicated faith in Jesus, especially in asking Jesus to remember him. Thus evidently his heart is good enougth that Jesus could reassure him that He would resurrect him post-Armageddon (in Paradise).
What the speaker's comment was referring to is something that I didn't address specifically and that is that those persons (non-JWs and "unfaithful" or even "disfellowshipped" JWs) KILLED during Armageddon would be receiving a judgement from God at that time and thus WOULD NOT BE resurrected. (This is similar to the traditional view of God's judgment upon Sodom/Gommorah and other nations and people that he has struck down in the past.)
As for your last citation of "All in the Memorial Tombs" you are evidently unfamiliar with the twist that JWs place upon the phrase "Memorial Tombs" because they give it more meaning than just the common grave. In this scriptural context it is given a similar meaning to the "names in the Book of Life" that is to say that these are persons of such stature that are again WORTHY of remembrance or memorial. Thus these scriptures again are seen to be reassuring that those deemed worthy of remembrance and resurrection will receive such, but it does not mean that all who die and who lie in the common grave or death are resurrected.
I assure you this information is current understanding and teaching.