JoinedTopics Started by needs_lots
W5 last night.Hour long.JW,s and child abuse
by Survivor1 indid anyone watch w5 last night on cbc at 9 pm?(canada).
it was another hour long program of child abuse vicitms and the watchtower society.. it looked very very bad .
bill bowen was on.. it was a very powerful program.. .
watchtower double talk
by needs_lots incygnus; .
i read with amazement your post in defence of the watch tower pr release.
i do want to know which bethel you are stationed at and how long it has been since you stepped outside the walls of the compound.
WT PR Statement - silentlambs march
by silentlambs inthis was read and given to all media at the march.
the outrage is to great to express, who are these people?
silentlambs .
Canadian trial ends......almost.....thanks to all
by needs_lots ini wanted to give everyone who came to my trial a great big "thank you".
it was a very difficult 2 and a half weeks.
the support from this board was overwhelming.
help, i need info for trial
by needs_lots ini need to know where abouts in the jw books does it say that you must obey your elders, and that if you don't listen, you can be disfellowshipped.
at the trial on friday, the head of bethel said that no one in the organization could be disfellowshipped for not following elders commands.
i know its written somewhere, and i have only today and tomorrow to find it.
by hawkaw inwell we have the toronto sun today reporting yesterday's testimony.
so 1 million more people will read the what vicki's psychiatrist said.. also note what the 3rd elder who was in the confrontation stated below.
seems he believed that the other elders had dealt with the issue.
by honestly into notso perfect......what do i have against her?i have known her since childbirth,and once upon a time she was a normal sweet person who loved her parents,then she started when she met scott i would say.thats when her troubles began after she got married.she started exploiting herself sexually and started makin up the wildest stories about her husband and herself and thats when i realized that she wasnt the same person and i realized what kind of morals she had and she started sayingthings about scott that was when i realized she isnt the yrs went by she just got worse.and now i dont even know her,she has stretched her testomony and much of it is downright lies.i have actual letters from vicky from yrs back that contradict what she is claiming now.. why do i have against her???
?she has torn her family apart even cousins and aunts and uncles who can see right thru her.see you guy dont know both sides and you never will because vicky knows shes does enough damage and will come to her senses and her brainwashing by frank mottrill is coming see he is usinh vicky as a pawn to get back at the wts for his own wrongdoing.anyway it will soon be over........i personally will never look or talk to her again,she has been disowned my her realtives,most are not even witnesses so what does that tell you.. for the record many of you may not know this but the lawyer for the wts.
is not even a witness!
by hawkaw ini am saddened to report barb anderson and dr. james penton will not testify at the trial.. however, even better.
penton wrote a lengthy letter and barb did a 30 page document as well.. both documents have been accepted into evidence by the judge and will be reviewed by the judge as part of her written decision.
this means the documents will not undergo cross-examination which is a good thing.. so if you ask me - a partial victory.. there is more happening that i cannot discuss that is going vicki's way - stunning stuff actually.
NEW - VICKI BOER CASE - Toronto Sun sept. 11
by hawkaw ini notice the defence counsel had the disgusting gaul to bring up vicki's sex life.
don't these f___ing people get it?
a lot of this happened because of what she went through.
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.