JoinedPosts by PaintedToeNail
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-02-2013 WT Study (NAME)
by blondie injehovahs witnesses view gods name?.
gods people that he really would.
non-jews, became a people for [gods].
Ugh... Have to learn to keep my mouth shut
by dissonance_resolved inso my mom was telling me that my aunt is going to be hosting a gb member and wife, cos and do for dinner after their dc this summer.
i immediately blurt out, "that sounds stressful.
" which is met with dead silence.
We had the CO and Wife over for lunch. They were delightful. His last name was Adams. He was Jewish by birth, and his wife was an outspoken woman for a JW wife. After they left our circuit, we heard that he had a heart attack from the stress of being a CO. The doctors allegedly told him his 'job' was killing him, after they learned what it was he did. I don't know what happened to that couple, I hope they are happy wherever they are.
They lied to you Jack......
by Tech49 inmy name is jack harper, tech49.
new here, been lurking for many months now.
a brief history:.
Jack-Wonderful experience, can't wait to read more! And welcome by the way.
JW,s contribution to the human race, zip, nothing, not anything.
by jam ini was thinking about this at a close friend memorial.
service the other day.
i was thinking, my 66 years here.
jam-Sorry about your friend, he sounds like an intelligent, caring and involved man. Sorry also that you feel you life was meaningless. You loved someone probably, that meant something to them. You aren't dead yet, there are still things you can accomplish to make a difference. What about going to a hospital and holding abandoned babies, born to addict mothers. Or a nursing home to read to those who can no longer read, or just listen to their fascinating stories, that will bring meaning to them. It is probably best not to compare yourself to other people, it can only bring one of you dissatisfaction.
I hope you get over being depressed. If you were nearby, I'd invite you for coffee and we could laugh about crazy things that happened in the borg.
No, not really. You are just reading lines from a bad play. Sitting at a table, trying to read scriptures with a microphone blocking your view of your bible. I never, ever used any of the info from my talks in field service...but then I hated field service, I cannot remember anything with numbers in it. Memorizing scripture numbers had been virtually impossible. When reading an address or writing one down, I usually write the numbers from front to back, which causes crazy mix-ups. So does attempting to read Psalm 18:38 which should have been Psalm 83:18...
Silly TV Programs From The 1960s to the 1970s
by minimus inmcmillan & wife with rock hudson is what i just saw on tv.
watching rock hudson kiss his wife while smoking a cigarette is pretty funny.
and he solved a murder case as he lit up another cigarette at some wealthy person's party.....good stuff!.
Emergency! 1 Adam-12, Bob Newhart Show.
Can you help me encourage Reopened mind.
by TotallyADD inas most of you know we got a very angry letter from our oldest son.
it hurt her very much.
i feel so bad for her because he attacked her for what i feel was very unfair.
Reopened & TotallyADD-I'm sorry you are both going through this emotionally difficult time.
Maybe I am a little dense, but I just realized...
by DATA-DOG inthe wtbts teaches that, " the soul that is sinning..will die.
" this was re-hashed in the what is truth talk at the dc.
so i got to thinking about the wtbts's doctrine.
I have had this type of discussion with my hubby. It seems that we were meant to die. Every other living thing on earth has died or is in a dying state, from dinosaurs to plants, Adam and Eve. It is just the cirlce of life. It doesn't freak me out anymore. Acceptance is freeing.
A little update
by Bucholz inhello everybody, even though i don't post a lot, i visit and read the threads on this site quite frequently.. wanted to give you a little update and ask for some advice at the same time.
since my exit, about 2 years ago, everything had been almost perfect.
i was living on my own, making new friends, elders from my old hall weren't bothering me at all, i was enjoying life.
Bucholz-You could ask your little brother questions that come from the Bible Stories book, such as 'Why do you think Jehovah let Aaron make a golden calf to worship and he didn't get punished, but the man who was picking up wood on the Sabbath Day stoned to death?' 'Which do you think was the worse sin, leading a whole bunch of people astray from worshipping God, or trying to make a fire to cook your food?'
Use critical thinking questions and reasoning, let him work the answers out for himself though, so your mom can't say that you've been telling him apostate things.
I'm New... and I'm running...
by running_away init's some kind of funny... i was the perfect little ass, even that i never believe it all.. there was something that doesn't sound right... but, i was little, i was with my family, i never believe that my family will make me adopt a cult.
well i get batized in my mid teen years, i was the exemplar, ms at 19, even serve my time at bethel.
get married to a pioneer, start a spiritual family, get my 2 kids.
running-Welcome, thanks for running here and posting your experience.