Happy Birthday, Heather! Have fun this year!
Posts by Mum
Our Daughter is 13 today!
by cantleave inand to think i was told that armageddon would be here before i was 13!.
happy birthday heather .
Tips for my Job interview today
by whathehadas ini got a interview for today a few days ago.
the interview is for orkin, a pest control company.
i haven't had a interview in a while and hopefully i don't get nervous.
Watch your body language. Keep your arms at your sides, not in front of your body. Don't cross your legs. Appear relaxed, not tense or anxious. Smile a lot. Exude confidence. Answer questions with a confident voice. Pretend you are interviewing them, and ask good questions. Formulate some questions before you go. Look up info online about interviewing.
Good luck!
An old friend
by pontoon in40+ yrs ago when i moved into this congregation's territory i became good friends with a brother in the congregation, about 20 yrs older than me and about mildest, most easy going person you could meet.
he was just full of old fashion country style common sense, taught me a lot about country life, like heating with firewood, (yes, there is a lot to know about cutting and heating with wood), taught me how to skin and cut up deer, he would help anyone who needed help........., so about 30 yrs ago he was df'd.
we would occasionally bump into each other, i would never not say hello, but him knowing i wasn't suppose to talk to him he would (and i) just move on.
It's great when you meet up with someone after a long separation and pick up as if you just saw them yesterday. Good for you!
Apostates are Perverts!!!
by His Excellency in.
last sunday's public talk was about tools the devil uses to tear down our faith, and as usual; apostacy, false teaching and erroneous thinking came up in the point, and the speaker went on and on, accusing apostates of being perverts and aspiring to live a life of debauchery which couldn't be tolerated amongst jehovah's people.. he further went on stating that if eventually apostates get into the world, they often find themselves not being able to mix up with satan's system as a result of the bible based understanding which they had acquired, and they ended up getting bitter and wasting their lives .
those words were quite frightenning, i never heard it this strong before!!
It is an honor to be dishonored by those control freaks. I suppose child molestation, backroom interrogation about sexual detail, harassment, and discouraging human development and education are "holy" things.
I wear their scorn as a badge of honor. - Dan Quayle
by BroMac ini don't know if this has been on here before but i came across it from a google news search for "jehovahs witnesses".
would someone be so kind as to make this link clickable!
That was a great story!
It reminds me of a time in the past when I accompanied a Vietnamese friend to a low-income apartment building where a lot of Vietnamese refugees lived. Most of them didn't speak English, so I observed them as they told my friend their stories. Apparently because I did not understand what they were saying, but could only observe their facial expressions, voice intonations and hand gestures, I got a pretty good idea of the character and truthfulness of the individuals (or at least I felt that I was seeing right through them.)
It is incredible how Amber, by living as more of a "worldly" person, even in a very different culture, learned that life could be better outside the borg.
I got the dreaded call about the memorial
by thecrushed ini haven't been to the meetings in just about a full year and i get a call this morning from my dad inviting me.
his words were full of guilt trip.
he said he would like us to go as a family like i'm breaking it up if i don't go.
I would like to say that you shouldn't go just to please someone else, but with the dubs it's just not that simple.
You should, however, make it clear that you guys could do many things as a family if he were not so servile to his masters in Brooklyn.
In what sense does Jehovah feel regret - Why the Bible never means what it plainly says.
by Lore infrom this weeks watchtower study:.
in what sense has jehovah felt regret?.
on a number of occasions, the bible mentions that jehovah felt regret.
I regret spending so much time in a belief system that is stupid and cruel and, what is worse, trying to convert others to it. Jehovah may regret that I did that as well.
Looking for a disassociation letter
by Aunt Fancy ini remember reading a very good letter sometime within the past 6 months.
i have been looking for it and can't find it.
i don't even remember who wrote it but they didn't send it at the time.
Free2beme: If you'd been around during the Revolution, Jefferson would have been your lackey!
Jehovah generously provides?
by Rattigan350 inthe june 15 2013 w pg 13, para 6&7 has an experience of a pioneer that needed $66 to pay her rent the next day.
she prayed and went to work at her job as a waitress.
when she finished her shift she had received a total of $66 in tips.
I have a similar story.
Several years ago, my daughter, granddaughter and I moved to Reno. At first we lived in a hotel where we paid by the week. Our weekly rent was due each Wednesday, I believe. The hotel would only take cash or a credit card. We used cash, which we kept in a tin in our room.
One evening, my daughter took my granddaughter to a co-worker's child's birthday party. Meanwhile, I went out to gamble.
The next day when the rent was due, a hotel employee had taken advantage of our absence the night before and stolen our rent money. My winnings at gambling the night before covered the rent. So my going out to gamble saved the day!
Should The Governing Body Seek Psychiatric Help For Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
by frankiespeakin inhttp://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx36t.htm.
narcissistic patients try to sustain an image of perfection and personal invincibility for themselves and attempt to project that impression to others as well.
physical illness may shatter this illusion, and a patient may lose the feeling of safety inherent in a cohesive sense of self.
When I had a co-worker with NPD, I went for therapy. The therapist pointed out that lots of CEO's have this disorder. That is one of the difficulties with bringing them down to the level of everyone else: they tend to rise to the top.
I agree that you seem obsessed with this topic.