Thomas Edison was told that he was too stupid to learn anything.
Elvis Presley was told that he would never make it show business. So was Lucille Ball.
Abe Lincoln ran for office 26 times before being elected.
Einstein didn't talk until he was 4 or read until he was 7. He was considered lazy by his professors. He couldn't do math in elementary school.
I could go on and on and on. Failure is simply a part of life. If anyone has never experienced it, he or she has missed out on some important experience. Someone put a post on Facebook recently that said something like, "If we were all judged on how well we climb a tree, every fish would feel like a failure.
We all face the challenge of finding what we do best. Then we face the challenge of findng work in that field.
Don't take any of this persoinally. It means nothing beyond just what it is. Almost everyone has had a similar experience, whether or not they've ever been associated with JW's.
Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again!