In recent years I have become passionate about writing. It's not new as it was always part of me, but it became buried under years of difficult life events.
It was re-triggered a couple of years ago. Like many former JWs, I didn't receive the education that I desired and deserved, I would have done very well academically, but I was 15 in 1972, three years before the system was going to crash down around us. In those days you could still leave school at 15 in the UK, so I did. I was top of the class in German and Spanish, and very close to it in English. Even my maths was in the top 10 per cent.
I went back to school for evening classes (in my late fifties) to study for maths and English GCSEs (the exams that 16 year olds take). Let's just say that even after forty years without any schooling, I clearly undersold myself.
So now I write when I'm not too tired. I'm not bothered about it being commercially viable - just as well really! I just enjoy doing it.
I'll probably go down the self-publishing on Kindle route eventually, but I don't hold out any realistic hopes of making a living from it.
I enjoy trying my hand at playing with poetry. Creativity has been stifled of late by fatigue. When that happens, I just critique other people's work as it's all part of the learning curve.
Most of all - IT'S FUN!