Jehovah's Witnesses resemble those first followers of Jesus who were called christians and were viewed as a sect back then - Acts 11.26;28.22.
There is only one true sect today that God Yahweh approves of is Jehovah's Witnesses. They will have their day soon as the fantastic prediction is in place for 2011 AD. Go to and follow directions there.
I am posting on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn , ( google groups ). There are numerous articles there proving beyond a shadow of a doubt Jehovah's Witnesses are " in it " . They are covered by the endtime period resembling the times of Noah's days . For Jesus to return there must be the true christian religin in place for at least 120 years and proclaimed to the nations of the world.
There is no other christian organization that stands close now to Jehovah's Witnesses . You can try and will find none !
It must be strictly related to endtime chronological dates.These date must be coupled with the dates when Jesus and his first disciples lived and taught a new religion that was burying the old religious system. And now one true religion must do the same by burying all other religions.
Simply it is destroying all other religious organizations that claim to be true .
Your parents in cult Jehovah's Witnesses should jump for joy awaiting what may happen in 2011 AD .Tell them that .
You risk a lot by denouncing your parents' beliefs.If it turns out they have the true religion you are a looser unless you become saved before it is too late.
7 BC = 1879 AD ; 2 BC = 1884 AD ; 29 AD = 1914 AD .