My sister is in a very unhappy marriage. Why? Because when she was 19, she thought she had to get married so that she could leave my mother's house. I asked her why she just didn't get her own place. She said, I can't live by myself, it's not proper. What is this the 1800's? So she married the first guy that would have her. He started sending her gifts, and immediately they were engaged. Witness woman don't just get to date, if you go out to dinner with someone, you have to decide to marry them. In my sister's case, he was so impatient to get married, they kept moving the wedding date up. Finally they went before the judge and had a civil ceremony. He couldn't wait a few months for sex. They do not have a good marriage, and that's what comes from marrying a total stranger.
I know another woman who was conned into marrying a man who didn't even speak English, only Spanish. She spoke no Spanish. I don't know how she is now, but for the first few years she was very unhappy. She was a single mom, and the sisters in the congregation set her up, because she needed to be married.
Another woman was forced to marry a man after he was reinstated, because they had slept together once. She was so happy, he looked so miserable at their Kingdom Hall wedding. Turns out, he was a wife beater, and she finally left him for her own safety. His first wife did find another man, because of the abuse. He was forgiven for sleeping around and beating his wives. The first wife is treated badly by the congregation because she remarried, no one has forgiven her. The second wife moved across the country from him.
I think all the forced marriages in the org. is why people cheat on each other. If you looked at someone of the opposite sex you were expected to marry them.