Hi again,
It was one to the hardest things I ever did sending Blake to the hospital. It was 3 hours away from me in
Kansas City, Ks. And I left him there for a week. I hated it, they only had vistiation in the evening
and I only go visit one time. But I knew if someone else could see how he was, that maybe
we could get him some help.
I held off a long time not wanting to see Blake's problems. When they said he was adhd, I was so
sad. But this year when they told me he was odd, I was relieved, I knew there was more wrong
than just adhd. From email lists I have been on with other partents of adhd children, alot of these
disorders run together, it is called comorbidty (I probably have the spelling wrong). I guess
I am saying that it is not uncommon to have more than one problem.
The increased meds seemed to work well this week. Blake went a whole week with no office
refferals. That is a miracle in itself.
I guess you just have to do what you can to help you kids. And you have to ignore how you might
feel about it. But there are times I really feel like I must have done something to cause all this,
then I think, get real, stuff happens.
Though somedays I wish for kids that just were not so hard to deal with.
Talk later,