"Embracing change" = giving a hug to being made redundant.
I have a feeling that is for suckers.
these are notes passed on to me, i thought i would share.. .
be successful in coping with change.
special talk given after watchtower study at brooklyn bethel december 5, 2011. monday night - monday night we had a special lecture to attend after study of the watchtower entitled "be successful in coping with change".
"Embracing change" = giving a hug to being made redundant.
I have a feeling that is for suckers.
i know many of you think i'm an asshole, and that is fine, because more than likely i am.
i do have a heart though...and i want to say something to all those out there right now suffering with doubts, feelings of guilt, and any other hard-ache brought on by this organizations failed policies (obviously not directed by god)...this is what i want to say to you:.
if there is a god, trust me, he wants to see the end of this jehovah's witness organization just as much as you do (more)....the depth of mind control, brain washing, and profound control mechanisms inside this borg are insidious and destructive to any healthy human being.
cptkirk, your insights are satisfactory to this Vulcan, and I perceive you have the heart of a man, you actually care about your fellow humans, an admirable quality if not taken too far.
I have found that you must not pander to the weaknesses of humans, they seem to thrive on that, and use any sympathy as an excuse for inaction and ennui.
The problem is exactly as you describe, most who are, or were JW's are what earthlings call, "Lazy Bastards", I do not quite pick up on all the nuances of that expression I am sure, but I know it to be true. They will not do their own research, they come to a place such as this and ask for opinion and information, they then will not act on what they find out, because "family" are Jw's, they care not for principles and ethics, for such have been dictated to them for so long that they cannot stand up for their own beliefs because the habit of letting the WT tell them what to believe, and how to act, is too ingrained.
Such people should stay in the Organisation, they deserve their chosen prison, the Organisation deserves such pathetic individuals as its supporters.
I am glad Captian, that you give a humble Vulcan hope, hope that some humans are above that silliness, and are prepared, whatever the cost, to be :
so here i am... finally.. i'm 3rd gen, df'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... i'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up jw 1960-2010. by not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here iam... thanks to this site and all of you... everyone on my dad's side of family is df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to idaho to see us from hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric.... i don't know where i'm going with this... i just want to change my way of thinking.. i can't see the future... but now i know why.... i have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a jw child.. in 3rd grade i never got see one cartoon on saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome hong kong phooey was... i just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry lol ... i think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'unforgivable' sin.... that it for now l8r t8r.
Tater T, welcome ! in fact Double welcome ! your take on things is so valuable fo rreaders on here, they can see the madness of the cult they are trapped by !
Looking forward to more contributions from your good self, and perhaps more highlighting of the plight of those sorry souls who have left the cult for whatever reason , but still hang on to some vestigial belief that some of it may be true !
I have a message for them , in English, IT'S ALL BOLLOCKS !
i listened to this reading and was amazed about how so little we know about the most famous person who ever lived at this time.
the link is below, but here are some pointers,,, listen and read with an open mind,,, i know most members are after being duped by organized religion.
it this gets some interest i will post a new one as it comes out next week.. tonight on an hour with an angel, jesus made some startling revelations, perhaps the most interesting of which was the acknowledgement that he did marry mary magdalene, had a daughter sarah who journeyed to the south of france after his departure from this plane, and that sarah was indeed what is known as the holy grail.
The historical Jesus is a very elusive figure, all we have is fictional accounts about the man, The Gospels, and assorted writings . some considered "canonical", some not.
How the real Jesus lived his life, how he died, etc is not relevant to today's believers, they "know" that their redeemer liveth, but I do wish that a true record of the real Jesus' teachings would surface, the nearest we have is the "Gospel of Thomas" at present, but it is my gut feeling that there was a preacher/teacher in the first century called Jesus, whose words would be of value to us now, if only we had them.
i think my boyfriend just dumped for jw.
he is an inactive jw, he was the the one who started tp pursue the relationship and now he kind of shunning me.
i don't why, maybe because he sensed that i am trying to tell him a lot about the true jesus and because he felt like he can't convert me, but that's okay, i understand.
I feel foryou, your heart was involved, the sad part is, so was his, he felt love for you, but the mind control of the cult is so strong that he was able to reject you, in favour of them !
It is so sad, but, just reflect, JW parents are prepared to sacrifice their childs life, by denying blood when needed, because of this cult's disgusting, lying, murdering determination to stick to a thoroughly discredited doctrine.
You are best off being clear of it, painful though it may be, the guy has not got a mind of his own, Brooklyn own, and direct, his mind.
looking at the 607/587 bce issue, i was wondering if the bethel could spin some new light to avoid embarassment and buy themselves an extra 25 years or so.. if it was 1935, they could claim that the call to close the doors to heaven was actually the real date of jesus' invisible reign and tie up two embarassments with one flash of light.. best i could find though, nothing really important happended then.
anyone else with better jw historical records think of an "out" for them?.
once 2014 comes, they are in for a major explanation.
1934 is vey like 607, two things happened, not much and sod-all.
it is clear that the granparents have been having conversations with my 4yo.. yesterday we had a conversation you will find funny.. him: santa is invisable like jehovah.
me: who is jehovah?.
him:he made the earth.
Teach your kid to ask awkward questions like "How do we know Jehovah made the earth?" as soon as you can.
until the gb turn round and say they are the messaih!!!!!!.
i know they have put themselves in christ's place, but do you think they will actually ever say that they are christ himself?.
To be fair, if they really were anointed then they would be part of the body, or part of the total Messiah if you like.
What I think is already happening ,is not so much that they are explaining this arcane theological point, but that they are stressing that they are acting vicariously for Christ. "Do as the GB says = do as Jesus says"
As with another Vicar of Christ on this earth, they make the claim as to their position with absolutely no proof.
Shades , are you a Bible Literalist ? I was to a degree for many years as a JW. I eventually came to the conclusion, long before reading on the Net or any books that mentioned it, that the Adam and Eve story was an early Hebrew allegory, and I said as much to anumber of JW's who just sort of nodded in agreement, but would later talk as though it were literal truth.
Where exactly do you stand ? And as to the Bible chronology, what proof have you got, that stands up to scientific scrutiny, that it is correct ? if you have none, you have to at least accept that the chronology is fiction, or at the very least badly flawed ! even if Adam was real, which cannot be true.
before everyone gets the wrong idea about creating an "empowering jws" forum, this forum would be for serious campaigners to exchange ideas about helping jws by either influencing the wtbts to change or planting seeds of doubt in jws, and would not be for promoting the wtbts nor its policies.. since jwn threads have gotten so numerous and effectively using jwn's search engine is a mystery to me, i believe that creating a forum for posting ideas to awaken jws would benefit both jws and exjws, who want to do more than debate religion and relate how they were abused by the wtbts/jws, and who want to help awaken loved ones.
i feel that the forum should be named "empowering jws" to paraphrase steven hassan's book "releasing the bonds: empowering people to think for themselves" and because i do not want to alienate jws with doubts be calling it something derogatory that may raise a jw's persecution phobias.. also, jwn might appear more welcoming to jws, if there was a recommendation that posters refrain from labeling jws jdubs, borg, witlesses, etc.
i know that many members of this forum were hurt by the policies of the wtbts and that some jws were jerks to them, but that does not mean that all jws are jerks.. peace be with you and everyone, who you love,.
I think it was good for me to be shocked by the, as I saw it disrespectful expressions, used on this site, I immediately thought "What is it that makes these people so derisive ?" , it did not put me off, it surprised me, and intrigued me, so I read a lot of old threads, and pretty soon my eyes were opened.
It was interesting to see the evolution of the site, as questions were answered, ideas thrashed out, the whole place matured over the years. So I think ,as said above, even such a section as suggested for this site would evolve very quickly, (by "puntuated equilibrium" ?) into being indistinguishable from the rest of the site.
It is just a good thing when new posters are treated with kid gloves to a degree, there is no need to blast them in to wakefulness, a gentle "Hey smell the coffee" is good enough, unless they persist in silliness, or are trolls, then the gloves should rightfully come off.