Cheers to all you good fathers out there working hard for your families!
Posts by Perry
Happy Father's Day!
by Perry incheers to all you good fathers out there working hard for your families!.
*Reminder* EXJW Meetup in Gruene, Texas (Near Austin, San Antonio, etc.) June 28th @ 6:30PM
by lambsbottom ini hope yall dont mind me putting a reminder up.
pm me for location.
we have 7 rsvps so far.
Awwww man, that is 5 mins from my house! We are leaving for Port A on the coast on the 26th. Would love to come. Put me down for next time. -
W 15 july - members of others religions not destroyed???
by paradisebeauty inplease tell me what do you understand from this quote that is taken from w july 2015, the article your deliverance is close paragraph 5.. i understand that not all members of other religions will be destroyed at armageddon.
i talked to a jw.
he says he understands differently: they will not be destroyed when the babylon the great will be destroyed but they will be destroyed in armageddon.
For clarity sake, this is a commentary about what the passages in Zechariah are actually about:
13:1-6 In the time mentioned at the close of the foregoing chapter, a fountain would be opened to the rulers and people of the Jews, in which to wash away their sins. Even the atoning blood of Christ, united with his sanctifying grace. It has hitherto been closed to the unbelieving nation of Israel; but when the Spirit of grace shall humble and soften their hearts, he will open it to them also. This fountain opened is the pierced side of Christ. We are all as an unclean thing. Behold a fountain opened for us to wash in, and streams flowing to us from that fountain. The blood of Christ, and God's pardoning mercy in that blood, made known in the new covenant, are a fountain always flowing, that never can be emptied. It is opened for all believers, who as the spiritual seed of Christ, are of the house of David, and, as living members of the church, are inhabitants of Jerusalem. Christ, by the power of his grace, takes away the dominion of sin, even of beloved sins. Those who are washed in the fountain opened, as they are justified, so they are sanctified. Souls are brought off from the world and the flesh, those two great idols, that they may cleave to God only.
JWS are not afraid of the teachings of other religions.
They have no fear of God either when he says that in hell it will simply not be possible to cease being conscious. We were created with the ability to enjoy God and his unfathomable goodness for eternity. God has put eternity in us.
the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night - Rev. 14: 11
I'm okay with the "fruitage of the spirit."
by cappytan inthough i now consider myself a secular buddhist, i just realized today that i'm okay with trying to pursue the qualities mentioned by paul as the "fruitage of the spirit.".
the only one i take issue with is "faith" in the context of religion.
what are your thoughts on the matter?.
I'm okay with trying to pursue the qualities mentioned by Paul as the "fruitage of the spirit."
Reminds me of James 3: 18
"Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."
Happy Memorial Day
by Perry injust wishing a happy memorial day to everyone!
we had some friends over, barbecued and let the kids run around slap crazy playing cops and robbers and hide and go seek.
we have so many freedoms that those under tyranny do not have.
Hi Cappytan,
Back porch was covered, we grilled there. House got turned into a playground with 5 kids. It stopped raining long enough for a good long walk though.
My son and I built a rocket with a 2000 ft. capacity. Our plan was to shoot it off on Memorial Day. With a 500 foot cloud ceiling, we decided against.
We're still looking for a Landa Park re-do some Saturday with you all..... if it ever stops raining.
Happy Memorial Day
by Perry injust wishing a happy memorial day to everyone!
we had some friends over, barbecued and let the kids run around slap crazy playing cops and robbers and hide and go seek.
we have so many freedoms that those under tyranny do not have.
Just wishing a happy Memorial Day to everyone! We had some friends over, barbecued and let the kids run around slap crazy playing cops and robbers and hide and go seek.
We have so many freedoms that those under tyranny do not have. I give a hearty bow to all those who gave their life so I could be free.
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Ok, trying to get control of the math here with some documentation:
There are 1.5 Million printed pages of DNA just printing the first letter of each base pair. Printing both would require 3 Million Pages.
One SINGLE CELL organism has over 200 times this amount of DNA information. (Some multi-cell organisms have double this, but we're just using the amoeba example) That's 600 million printed pages of information. That's is equivalent to 3 Million 200 page textbooks.
If those pages were laid end to end, they would reach halfway to the moon or about 5 times around the equator.
Now keep in mind that the old atheist argument of "junk DNA" has been discarded because a study way back in 2012 accounted for 80% of the links to functionality in humans. I'm sure even more has been accounted for by now and all will be accounted for in the future.
So, I ask anyone, using an atheist paradigm:
How did 600 Million pages of useful information get squeezed into the nucleus of a single cell organism using a 3 dimensional double helix informational storage device that is self correcting, that itself is housed in a cell that has a minimum of 2000 interdependent parts that must have appeared all at the same time in order to function?
LoveUniHate Exams,
Atheists and scientists accept the existence of lions because of the evidence. They don't currently accept the existence of Bigfoot or God or the Flying Spaghetti Monster because there is no evidence for them.
I think you are coming in a little late to the discussion. We have already established the belief in tooth fairies, Batman and Captian America in Atheists who believe in the Multiverse theory. Using this theory, I see no reason why Bigfoot can't be added to the list.
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Kill the messenger?
So the FACTS are to be discarded just because you don't like a website that lists scientific peer reviewed articles?
Please enlighten me as to where the millions of printed pages of information in DNA came from. Rocks bumping into each other?
Atheist Miracles
by Perry ini reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
We all engage in Watchtower lingo drivel as entertainment at times. It was so manipulative and now is easy to see the a priori to the Wathctower in all their writings.
But, observing the lingo of atheists reveals the same kind of "absolute" commitment to Materialism. It is this "forced" commitment to Materialism that I criticize, not atheists themselves. With over 90% of all communication being non-verbal, I'm sure I fail to communicate this sufficiently through this written medium.
It is obvious to me that people who have made it out of the Watchtower only to be just as blindly committed to Materialism, irregardless of the facts of our reality, have simply tunneled out of one prison cell into another.
Certainly finding dinosaur soft tissue, blood vessels, cells, dna fragments, and proteins capable of being sequenced that are a few thousand years old since the flood wiped most of them out - demands an explanation.
The work that has been done on the preservation characteristics of iron help provide such an explanation. Those tests have revealed about a 200 fold delay in decomposition.
However, to achieve the multi-million year delays you claim, would require a 99,800,000-fold9 increase in chemical stability.
This would be indistinguishable from a miracle.
Here's a good list of not-so-old things to ponder - Here
If the whole evolutionary paradigm is off, we would expect to find soft tissue completely irrespective of their evolutionary age. And, this is exactly what we find. Here's a list of dozens of peer reviewed papers on "ancient" soft tissue.
It makes no difference whether its a supposedly 65 Million year old dinosaur, a 150 million year old squid, or 530 Million year old Beard Worms, they all look about the same - fresh, soft & many stink.
Perry: Where'd y'all go this year?
I went to Costco like a good husband and bought some flowers and earrings I saw my wife recently eyeing. Matching pendant was a bit too steep, but its on the radar for next occasion.
Went to church and heard a message on the biblical command to honor your mother and your father. It's right there in one of the 10 commandments. Can you imagine the Watchtower saying something like,
"Well the old law covenant has been done away with. Now, we we show our obedience by honoring the faithful and discreet slave. We do not engage in worldly holidays that single out individuals for honor."
In the country in Mississippi, when I was a kid, I watched my Grandfather feed poison to a bunch of dogs that had gotten too populated. They lapped it up like there was no tomorrow, growling and fighting each other to get their share.
That's the image that is stuck in my head when I think back on my years as a JW.