JoinedTopics Started by BoogerMan
by BoogerMan innot a lot to say, except that i studied with jw's then gave up when i realised it wasn't the truth as they call it.. the ordinary jw's are generally nice people, but their elders are mostly little dictators from what i saw.
look forward to meeting people here who are less judgemental..
Two Doctors Present Local Data from California
by Sea Breeze in
18 is an act of Disobedience
by Londo111 inthe governing body and watchtower publications make clear there is only one official website that jws should go to about their religion.
they do not approve of independent pro-jw forums.
this would also fall in line of there being no independent study groups, on the internet, or elsewhere.. for that matter, they do not approve of jws posting on behalf of their religion on social media, “apostate” websites, or anywhere else on the internet.
by Disassociated Lady 2 ini read this in the july 2017 study version of the watchtower.. ".
propaganda—how dangerous is it?.
what is propaganda?
JULY 15TH STUDY EDITION :"If ever that evil slave..." page 24
by raymond frantz inbox on page 24 of the july 15th titled :"if ever the evil slave....".
jesus has placed the weightiest of responsibilities on the faithful and discreet slave-namely,overseeing the domestics and giving out spiritual food atthe proper time.
jesus knew that those with greater responsibility have greater accountability.
The Watchtower Society Hedge Fund
by TJ Curioso inthe watchtower society hedge fundseveral weeks ago it came to my attention via the e-jehovahs-witnesses discussion board that the watchtower society had devised a new money raising scheme.
the scheme is to beg and borrow money from each individual congregation account, which they deem to be in excess of the congregation's actual expenses.
i half jokingly responded to the topic then that the watchtower has become a hedge fund.
Religion vs. The Gospel
by Chalam inhello jwners,.
the jw i chatted with recently directed me to matthew 24 with regards to the witnesses and highlighted matthew 24:14. i asked him what "this gospel" is.
the only answer i got was "i'm not sure what you mean".. .
Faithful and Discreet Slave Chosen in 1919
by UnDisfellowshipped inquestions for jehovah's witnesses about 1919!.
i would love to hear jehovah's witnesses explain their beliefs in 1919 using only the bible.. 1:) why do you believe that god chose the "bible students" to be his one and only channel of communication and his organization on earth in 1919?.
2:) what were the "bible students" teaching in 1919 that would have made god and jesus choose them over any other religion?.
Luke 23:43 the NWT
by Ade inluke 23:43 - and jesus said to him, "positively i say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.
nwt places comma here , giving a totally different meaning to the verse.
now the average jw uses this to back their doctrine and it seems in itself virtually impossible to reason with them on it.
NASA: Humans Back to the Moon
by Gerard innasa plans return to moon by 2020
"this vision aims to return humans to the moon, and then to use it as a staging point for a manned mission to mars.
i wonder if jws will be required to canvas those areas too.