Hi Xandra,
Was your therapy as a direct result of leaving/wanting to leave, or was this a by product of the therapy?
of leaving the organisation?.
did it help?
Hi Xandra,
Was your therapy as a direct result of leaving/wanting to leave, or was this a by product of the therapy?
just got a look at the new jw calendar for 2004.. usually it's nauseating crap about preaching the good news around the globe, or like last year's effort, about how the 'truth' changes people from axe-weilding maniacs to nice christian family men.. this year's calendar is ok though.
no comments at all about how wonderful jehovah's witnesses are, in fact no editorial at all, just reasonable quality nature photos and a snipet of scripture about the beauty of nature or god's qualities.. .
these are probably suitable for the general public too - next time the jws visit ask them for some for you to give out as christmas presents!
I had a "call" on a lady who always took Bible Story Books to give out as xmas pressies!
as you may or may not know, some jw elders may resent some of their music thier children may listen to.. put simply, a 'death growl' is often viewed as a warped version of satan.
the band opeth use such death grow, however, are not satanic, with one reference to 'demon of the fall' (one of their songs).
they also combine death vocals with beautiful vocals, possibly the best in the business, alongside maynard james kennan (a perfect circle).
I've not heard of any of the music mentioned on this thread. My mom threw out a Beatles disc because "I am the Walrus" was "unchristian". What's wrong with "yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dogs eye" for petes sake?
of leaving the organisation?.
did it help?
of leaving the organisation?
Did it help?
do jws give to charitable orgs that knock at their door ?
I always gave to my favorite charity as I do now
the lightbulb?
i would say it would be the catholic cause you can do just about any dam thing you want.
and if you feel like you need to be close to god or something you can always go light some candles and wear a cross or put on a pointed hat or a white collar or deprive yourself of women or men in the case of nuns.
and you get to hear funny boys sing chants, and you also can put some real holly water on your head that the priest got from the sink oh and you can wear saint christopher's.
Isn't the whole point of religion that it chooses us not vice versa?
Just out of interest, isn't that last comment slander?
this anointed one was never disfellowshipped or excommunicated, and some of the shocking facts he exposes about the watchtower, are truely worth the read.
he totally explodes watchtower dates, and theology.
elders who used the congregations for financial gain.
And if his understanding is right there are 144000 messiahs according to JW belief. Since when??
this anointed one was never disfellowshipped or excommunicated, and some of the shocking facts he exposes about the watchtower, are truely worth the read.
he totally explodes watchtower dates, and theology.
elders who used the congregations for financial gain.
Strikes me as a work of fiction, large pinch of salt needed!!