I could not agree more!!!!!!
(((Shari))) - You truly are the best!!!!
shari, .
i just wanted to state this for all to see.
you are someone that i hold in very high esteem.
I could not agree more!!!!!!
(((Shari))) - You truly are the best!!!!
my daughter would be turning 13 tomorrow, if she were still alive.
it's been nearly 5 years since her death, and yet the pain and the sense of incalculable loss is still there.
her birthday is one of the hardest times of the year - one where the hurt really manifests itself - we should have been having a big party, but all we have to remember her by is a hard cold lump of stone with her name on it.
My condolences to you Stephenus & Family
The cold lump of stone may be the only physical object you have, but the cherished memories can be embraced for a lifetime.
does there come a point in a nasty argument when an intelligent person realizes there is no good to be acomplished, only hurt?
does it show weakness or strength to stop a ping-pong-ball of insult trading?.
is there ever a time when walking away and letting your opponent have the last word is really the winning position?.
Wasa -
I agree with you. It isn't a "heated debate" when one has to resort to name calling, taunting and flinging insults. My children are experts at this, as we all were at one time.
It takes strength to walk away while being insulted, when you've come to the conclusion that the discussion is not really a debate on the issue, but just to take a stab.
It is cowardice to be so frustrated at not proving your own point that you resort to the above. I have no respect for people that have to resort to that.
I think people sometimes get confused between the definition of a flame war & a debate. I enjoy a heated debate - the passion that one feels for an opinion is usually enough to generate very thought provoking ideas from both sides. Flame wars do nothing but gratify someone's inner child that never learned to disagree (& like the eagle song say's "I'd like to find your inner child & kick its little ass) or ignore others that they either don't like or feel superior too.
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
dsgal - happy man was quoting from another site - that's why his last post was imbecible in the spelling, until his thoughts were injected.
I've known happy man since his first post on Tim Campbell's board, he is truly from Sweden & he has always typed this way.
i have a son who is in th 4th grade.
he is a "bigger boy"......his father is 6'2" and i am 5'10".
james is very tall for his age and is also slightly overweight.
When my son in his elementary years was one being picked on by the class bullies, we tried all the things that you did. Nothing worked. We even met with school officials regarding the bullies (it wasn't just my kid - there were other children involved as well). When that didn't put a stop to the little brats, I gave my son permission to use physical violence. He took the "ring leader's" head, rubbed it into the dirt. He had to defend himself 2x, then the bullying stopped. He had alot more self-confidence after that too. I am the last person to say "resort to the physical", but in the case of bullys, its usually the only thing they understand. Of course this was 9 years ago, and I don't know what "retaliation" could be like - (sigh) so perhaps you should go over & kick the bullys parents ass!!!!
Oh, and my son got in trouble with the school too (which I warned him may happen & told him he would have to pay the consequences of his own actions). But he didn't get into trouble at home, just a weeks worth of detention.
Sorry scooter - I know how those maternalistic instincts kick in when the little ones are hurt - so I'd recommend you stay away from the school during recess time for awhile!
her ladyship and i have been "just a couple" now for 4 weeks.
simon's in australia, james is in a flat nearby, and ben is at cardiff university.
and we miss 'em!
Can't add to much to whats already been said, but:
E-man: As far as your lil lads - don't fret - there will soon enough be lil grand e-mans running around and the requests for babysitting services will probably move ya to the point of adding an addition to the lil homestead!!!!
some people are "morning people", some people are "night people" and some people just smile in both the night and the day to annoy me.
i am what you would call "not a morning person" and thus i like to drink coffee.
mocha's have always been my taste of choice and thus i own my own little espresso machine and make myself espresso mocha's a lot to make this "night person" a little more alive in the mornings of life.
that is too damn funny!!!! Boy they wouldn't like me at all
Rhonda (of the where's my second POT of coffee because I'm not a morning person either & the afternoons are dedicated to Diet Pepsi class)
it is with a mixture of joy and sadness that mrs know_you and i depart john and eunice's sanctum of sanity.
truly their home is an enclave of peace in this mad, doomed, sybaritic world.
what a contrast to the spiritual lunatic asylum inhabited by the apostates with their shrill cacophony, their puny fists, like the men of babylon, raised in anger to their creator!
If I make dinner, will you stay?
You've seem to be gleefully partaking of this banquet on more than a regular basis - are regular ole smorgasboard here that you've been eating & NOT ONE ounce of gratitude....bllllth.......
And, can the Catholics now know the end is near, as their ranks are surely dwindling due to their own deceipt and deception of their followers as well?
Could Jehovah purposefully had his own organization join the United Nations to "weed out" the weak?; Did he purposefully put pediphiles in the midst of the flock, to weed out those poor mothers, fathers & children who were mishandled by this organization?; Did he purposefully put Elders, P.O.'s, D.O.'s C.O.'s in place to "stumble brothers & sisters", because Jehovah knows their true spirit?
What kind of loving God pulls that kind of crap? Not a very nice God now is he? He can keep his mysteries "shrouded", and he can keep your paradise on earth. If living thru Armeggedon means spending more time w/judgemental, haughty people such as yourself, I'll pass
how many of you guys are vegetarians?
in my personal experience, i've only known of two jw vegetarians, and both were so for health reasons.
so i'd like to see how the x-jw community compares.
Jan - that would depend on what condiments you choose to use!
how many of you have been through a divorce?
what was harder , leaving your spouse or leaving the org?
For me, leaving the JW's was harder, as I didn't want to leave and I was young (not quite 17).
Divorce was easier, it was sort of letting go of 1 person, whereas the JW's - everything & everyone I knew.
Just my .02